A research study on mortality and alcohol consumption is making the rounds. Its…
Nathan Yau
Weighing the risk of moderate alcohol consumption
World map shows aerosol billowing in the wind
Using a mathematical model based on satellite data, NASA shows an estimate of…
3-D-Printed Time Series Plates
After seeing a 1950s physical visualization, I wondered if I could follow a similar process using modern techniques.
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Charting Pitfalls, Flexible Guidelines, Exceptions to the Rules
It can feel like there’s so many rules of visualization that it’s impossible to make a proper visualization. The key: Nothing is absolute.
Synesthesia used to paint numbers through color
Lucy Engelman has synesthesia, which is a perceptual response where one sensory pathway…
Visualizing the toxicity in Twitter conversations
Peter Beshai was tasked with visualizing the toxicity in Twitter conversations. He arrived…
What data scientists really do
Statistics. I kid, I kid. Hugo Bowne-Anderson, host of the DataFramed podcast, culled…
World Cup play activity visualized like wind maps
A fun experiment by Neil Charles that used the aesthetics of wind maps…
2018 House forecast from FiveThirtyEight
Ever since the huge forecasting upset in 2016, I’ve tended to stay away…
A visual analysis of jean pockets and their lack of practicality
Frustrated with the size of pockets on women’s pants, Jan Diehm and Amber…
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Visualization Away from the Computer, Developing Ideas, Bring in the Constraints
Made-by-hand visualization has been making a mini comeback as of late, and it’s been fun to see what people do with data away from the computer.
Of course, we don’t have the time to draw every chart and map by hand, but there are some parts of the practice we can use in our own work.
More wildfires than ever
Peter Aldhous for BuzzFeed News delves into the increasing number of wildfires in…
Scale of the California wildfires
The Mendocino Complex Fire, now the largest in California ever, continues to burn.…
Cartography Playground
Map-making is a tricky business with many variables to consider that can directly…
Optical illusion shows our messed up lightness perception
A gray piece of paper moves along a gradient. You won’t believe your…
A transforming river seen from above
The Padma River in Bangladesh is constantly shifting its 75-mile path. Joshua Stevens…
Robot arm seeks out Waldo, using machine learning
The camera on the slightly creepy arm takes a picture of the pages…
Analysis of fake YouTube views
Wherever more attention or the appearance of it equates to more money, there…
Aerial view of sheepdogs herding sheep
Sometimes the visualization takes care of itself. Photographer Tim Whittaker filmed sheepdogs herding…
Charting the similarity of summer songs
Popular summer songs have had a bubbly, generic feel to them the past…