The usually abstract, qualitative and sometimes quantitative chart type shows relationships. You can make them in R, if you must.
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How to Make Venn Diagrams in R
Field Guide to the R Ecosystem
If you’re looking to acquaint yourself with R — the non-coding aspects of…
R data structures for Excel users
Introducing yourself to R as an Excel user can be tricky, especially when…
12 Days of ChaRt-mas
As everyone has already checked out for the rest of the year, I’m going to mess around with R to the tune of The Twelve Days of Christmas and nobody can stop me.
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How to Make a State Map Grid with Small Multiples in R
Combining small multiples with the grid layout can make for an intuitive geographic reference.
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Compact Ways to Visualize Distributions in R
For when you want to show or compare several distributions but don’t have a lot of space.
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Getting Started with Network Graphs in R
Add the vertices. Connect them with edges. Repeat as necessary.
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How to Make (and Animate) a Circular Time Series Plot in R
Also known as a polar plot, it is usually not the better option over a standard line chart, but in select cases the method can be useful to show cyclical patterns.
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How to Make a Semicircle Plot in R
It’s the half cousin of the bubble plot with less overlap and more straight edges.
World Tile Grid Map in ggplot2 →
A straightforward tutorial on using squares instead of geographic boundaries.
R or Python? →
Big community and lots of tools for both.
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How to Make a State Grid Map in R
Something of a cross between a reference table and a map, the state grid provides equal space to each state and a semblance of the country to quickly pick out individual states.
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How to Make Animated Line Charts in R
Sometimes it’s useful to animate the multiple lines instead of showing them all at once.
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How to Make a Multi-line Step Chart in R
For the times your data represents immediate changes in value.
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Symbols-based Unit Charts to Show Counts in R
Add visual weight by using individual items to show counts.
R programming with Minecraft
The new R package miner is an interface to Minecraft via some simple…
Introducing a Course for Mapping in R
Mapping geographic data in R can be tricky, because there are so many…
Scrabble data and analysis
Looking for some data to play with? James P. Curley compiled Scrabble data…
Easily download large-ish survey datasets
Many government organizations release microdata for surveys every year. It comes as anonymized…
R for Excel users
For Excel users getting started with R, pain oftentimes finds its way into…