Before you get into analysis and visualizing data with R, you need to…
A Succinct Intro to R
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How to Make Print-ready Graphics in R, with ggplot2
You don’t have to use illustration software to polish your graphics. If keeping everything in R is your thing, this tutorial is for you.
Generative art with R
Generative art seems to be having a moment right now, so it’s only…
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How to Use Packed Circles in R
Adjust coordinates, geometries, and encodings with packed circles to make various types of charts.
Value of R, the Statistics-specific language
Paul Ford has been learning R to better understand the field of Statistics.…
Average color of geographic areas
Based on satellite imagery, Erin Davis found the average color of places around…
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How to Make Alluvial Diagrams
Here’s how to do it in R from start to finish, plus editing in illustration software. Make design choices and trade-offs for more readable charts.
Transform an image into a pixel-ly visual
Here’s a fun interactive by Duc-Quang Nguyen. Upload an image and get back…
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Making a Quick, Custom Prevalence Map – The Process 139
This week I’m describing my process behind a quick map. You can download the code at the end of this issue.
Send postcards of plots made in R
How many times have you made a plot in R and thought, “I…
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How to Make Ternary Plots in R, with ggplot2
When you want to compare between three parts of your data, ternary plots might be a good option. Here is how to make them.
Introducing a New Course on Mapping Geographic Data in R, with ggplot2
I’m happy to announce a new course on mapping geographic data in R,…
R graphics get modern text support, with ragg package
Thomas Lin Pedersen announced the ragg package, which makes font usage in R…
Parsing a table from an image
Thomas Mock explains how to extract and parse data tables in image files…
Turn images into LEGO builds in R
The brickr package in R by Ryan Timpe takes an image, converts it…
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How to Make Symbol-based Glyph Charts, with R Examples
Using geometric shapes as an encoding can provide another dimension to your charts.
Making map art in R
If you can make maps in your software and customize the aesthetics, you…
Presidential Plinko
To visualize uncertainty in election forecasts, Matthew Kay from Northwestern University used a…
Friends sitcom transcript dataset
For your analytical perusal, Emil Hvitfeldt provides ten seasons’ worth of scripts from…
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How to Untangle a Spaghetti Line Chart (with R Examples)
Put multiple time series lines on the same plot, and you quickly end up with a mess. Here are practical ways to clean it up.