Matt Daniels and Russell Goldenberg for The Pudding are tracking heat records in…
Statistical Visualization
Finding patterns, distributions, and anomalies.
History of heat records in major U.S. cities
U.S. still the outlier for gun homicide rate
This chart from The New York Times, based on estimates from Our World…
Children exposed to school shootings
The Washington Post maintains a database of school shootings (which is sad in…
F1 Racing results plotted as lightning
Joey Cherdarchuk used a lightning metaphor to visualize the outcomes of races from…
Number of abortions in each state, by restriction status
The Washington Post has a set of charts showing the current status of…
A test for a potentially flawed study on randomness and age
In 2017, a study posited that human behavior complexity peaks at age 25…
Redrafting the NBA, based on past player performance
With the NBA playoffs underway, it can be fun to watch the best…
Comparing rich people incomes and the taxes they pay
Based on leaked IRS data for the 400 wealthiest Americans, ProPublica provides a…
More gender-neutral names
Georgios Karamanis plotted the ratio of girls-to-boys over time for all the names…
Working the triple peak
Microsoft researchers analyzed keystrokes by time of day, for a sample of Microsoft…
Oscar outfits as public health graphs
The 2022 Oscars came and went, and it was like all anyone could…
Climate spiral to show temperature change
Say what you will about circular visualization, but the spiral plays. This one…
Most people think their employers don’t care about their well-being
Based on polls by Gallup, almost half of U.S. employees thought their employers…
Partisan excess deaths
Excess deaths is the difference between expected deaths based on historical data and…
Total refugees from Ukraine, compared to other countries
Millions of Ukrainians (over three million as of this writing) have left their…
Imports to Russia from countries that imposed sanctions and not
For The Washington Post, Andrew Van Dam, Youjin Shin and Alyssa Fowers plotted…
US spending on Ukraine
For NYT’s The Upshot, Bianca Pallaro and Alicia Parlapiano break down the United…
Your place in the world population by World Data Lab asks your birthday, country of residence, and gender.…