How many times have you made a plot in R and thought, “I wish I could send this as a postcard to my best friend.” Probably a million times, right? Wish no more. The ggirl package (that’s gg-in real life for short) by Jacqueline Nolis lets you send a plot over the internets to a postcard API, which sends a physical card to an address you specify.
The Washington Post (paywall) shows the recent rise in domestic terrorism incidents in the United States, based on data compiled by the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
In the initial view, each circle in the unit chart represents an incident, where yellow represents far-right violence, and dark gray represents far-left. As you scroll, the units are sorted into more specific categories.
Amelia Wattenberger wrote a guide on how you can use the JavaScript library React with D3.js. I know next to nothing about the former, but probably should, so this was useful.
For Wired, Craig Mod writes about how he uses code as a way to find order during less coherent times:
Break the problem into pieces. Put them into a to-do app (I use and love Things). This is how a creative universe is made. Each day, I’d brush aside the general collapse of society that seemed to be happening outside of the frame of my life, and dive into search work, picking off a to-do. Covid was large; my to-do list was reasonable.
The real joy of this project wasn’t just in getting the search working but the refinement, the polish, the edge bits. Getting lost for hours in a world of my own construction. Even though I couldn’t control the looming pandemic, I could control this tiny cluster of bits.
A couple of years ago, I spoke about how FlowingData is a personal journal in disguise. I find myself turning to data and charts, because those things feel familiar and can be a source of comfort.
So while reading Mod’s essay, it was easy to substitute in data and nod my head in agreement.
Vox explains efficacy rates and why the best vaccine is the one you get now:
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Calculating how much money a kid gets after exchanging all twenty baby teeth.
The New York Times collected, categorized, and linked to reports of anti-Asian hate crimes over the past year. The levels of ignorance, cowardice, and stupidity is off the charts.
Pre-pandemic, we walked around shopping areas casually browsing, but a lot of retail didn’t make it through. For Quartz, Amanda Shendruk looks at the closures on famous shopping streets, complete with a location-appropriate vehicle to drive in and a police car that appears if you scroll too fast.
For The New York Times, Kashmir Hill describes the implications of facial recognition becoming a thing that everyone just has:
Retail chains that get their hands on technology like this could try to use it to more effectively blacklist shoplifters, a use Rite Aid has already piloted (but abandoned). In recent years, surveillance companies casually rolled out automated license-plate readers that track cars’ locations, which are frequently used to solve crimes; such companies could easily add face reading as a feature. The advertising industry that tracks your every movement online would be able to do so in the real world: That scene from “Minority Report” in which Tom Cruise’s character flees through a shopping mall of targeted pop-up ads — “John Anderton, you could use a Guinness right about now!” — could be our future.
No thank you.
An anonymous source supplied BuzzFeed News with usage data from Clearview AI, the facial recognition service that was banned by many police departments nationwide. Many agencies still used and/or tried it:
The data, provided by a source who declined to be named for fear of retribution, has limitations. When asked about it in March of this year, Clearview AI did not confirm or dispute its authenticity. Some 335 public entities in the dataset confirmed to BuzzFeed News that their employees had tested or worked with the software, while 210 organizations denied any use. Most entities — 1,161 — did not respond to questions about whether they had used it.
Still, the data indicates that Clearview has broadly distributed its facial recognition software to federal agencies and police departments nationwide, offering the app to thousands of police officers and government employees, who at times used it without training or oversight. Often, agencies that acknowledged their employees had used the software confirmed it happened without the knowledge of their superiors, let alone the public they serve.
BuzzFeed News also made a searchable table so you can see if your local agencies are on the list.
Dan Bouk and Danah Boyd wrote an essay on the data infrastructure and politics behind the decennial census:
Like all infrastructures, the U.S. decennial census typically lives in the obscurity afforded by technical complexity. It goes unnoticed outside of the small group of people who take pride in being called “census nerds.” It rumbles on, essentially invisible even to those who are counted. (Every 10 years, scores of people who answered the census forget they have done so and then insist that the count must have been plagued by errors since it had missed them, even though it had not.) Almost no one notices the processes that produce census data—unless something goes terribly wrong. Susan Leigh Star and Karen Ruhleder argue that this is a defining aspect of infrastructure: it “becomes visible upon breakdown.” In this paper, we unspool the stories of some technical disputes that have from time to time made visible the guts of the census infrastructure and consider some techniques that have been employed to maintain the illusion of a simple, certain count.
This process, whether we know what’s going on or not, in turn affects voices and democracy across the country. So it’s kind of important.
The Washington Post illustrated how the Ever Given got stuck and was freed from the Suez Canal. Pulling, digging, and a high tide.
All I could think about was the children’s book Little Blue Truck, the story of a big construction truck that gets stuck in mud and is freed by a little blue truck and its animal friends.
Many states use color to represent levels of Covid-19 and/or county restrictions. The color scales states use vary across the country. For The New York Times, Caity Weaver details the usage and the challenges of picking meaningful scales.
For Axios, Will Chase, with illustrations by Brendan Lynch, provides the current status of known variants of the coronavirus. The tracker shows the estimated transmission rate, severity, vaccine efficacy, and prevalence.
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For The New York Times, Keith Collins and Josh Holder look at the relationship between country wealth and vaccination rates. Wealthier countries made deals with drug makers earlier, which means poorer countries are not able to secure as many vaccines.
As you likely know, there are coronavirus variants around the world. Reuters mapped the spread of the Kent variant, which was detected in the English county of Kent.
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You might not have heard about ternary plots, but in some fields they are quite popular. In chemistry, for example, they are used to show the characteristics of 3-component alloys and 3-component gas mixtures.
In soil sciences, they are ubiquitous. Soils are classified by the fractions of silt, clay and sand:
See Wikipedia for more.Imagine a soil scientist wanting to classify a soil sample composed of 50 percent clay, 30 percent sand and 20 percent silt. Plotted on a ternary plot, the sample would be placed like this (take note of the colors):
Looking back at the first ternary plot above, you can see that this sample would be classified as a clay soil.
The way countries source energy from fossil fuels, renewables and nuclear energy is another 3-component mixture that lends itself very well to visualization with ternary plots. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to read ternary plots, and how to make them with ggplot2.
Search history can say a lot of about a person, like where they’re going, where they want to be, what they want to learn about, or what they’re trying to make — at some point in their life. Search Record, by Jon Packles, is a way to parse through your history. Download your archive, import it into the locally-run tool, and explore.
I’m more of DuckDuckGo person, so I can speak to the specificity of the tool, but it looks insightful. At the least, I’d want to download my search archive and play around with it.