Once every blue moon I like to freelance as a short break from school work, and a few months back I got an email from Mozilla that basically said, “Hey we’ve got a lot of data. Do you want to do something with it?” Luckily, the scheduling worked out, and this was the result.
We have active daily users on the top, mirrored by daily downloads on the bottom. Notice the holiday dips and the spikes with each new release, with an overall trend of up? Geographically, the map shows an estimate of Firefox users, normalized by Internet users in any given country. The darker the region, the higher the usage. Finally, on the right, we have a rundown of personas and add-ons.
In short: a lot of people around the world use Firefox.
See the full version here.
In case you’re wondering, all the charts were done in R. I made the map with indiemapper. After that, I brought all the bits into Adobe Illustrator, and tada, there it is: a nice, pretty data poster for the recently past Firefox Summit.