Statistical Visualization

Finding patterns, distributions, and anomalies.

Who’s winning the medal race, depending on how you weight the medals

Every year, we look at the medal counts of each country. Who’s winning?…

Roger Federer career in rankings and wins

Professional tennis player Roger Federer won his 20th Grand Slam title recently. He’s…

Finding fake followers

This fake follower piece by Nicholas Confessore, Gabriel J.X. Dance, Richard Harris, and…

Release strategies for Oscar-nominated films

Evie Liu and William Davis, reporting MarketWatch, looked at release strategies of Oscar…

Surprise, the world was warmer again in 2017

According to NASA estimates, 2017 was the second warmest year on record since…

Musical hexagons

This is a fun ditty by Vasco Asturiano. I’m a little too far…

Where athletes in professional sports come from

Sports are growing more international with respect to the athletes. Gregor Aisch, Kevin…

Charting all the major California wildfires since 2000

Based on data from CAL FIRE, Erin Ross, for Axios, plotted California wildfires…

How your taxes will change

I’m pretty sure this is all that most people want to know. The…

Rumsey Collection with a data visualization subject tag

The David Rumsey Map Collection, known for its many browsable historical maps, now…

Disney-Fox market share

Disney is set to buy 21st Century Fox for $52.4 billion. I honestly…

Alabama voter demographics

Democrat Doug Jones won in the senate race against Republican Roy More last…

Where students learn the most

Emily Badger and Kevin Quealy, reporting for the Upshot, highlights research from Sean…

Tech generations, as seen through video source, music players, and internet access

In a fun piece by Reuben Fischer-Baum, reporting for The Washington Post: In…

Middle-class tax cuts and increases from Senate bill

A lot of tax debate centers around the “average” American family, with focus…

Chart search popularity

Anna Vital, in collaboration with the Google News Lab, shows the search popularity…

3-D tube chart of global CO2 concentration and temperature

Because you can never have enough time series charts that show increases of…

The words used by men and women to write about love

Josh Katz, Claire Cain Miller, and Kathleen A. Flynn for The Upshot plotted…