For NYT’s the Upshot, Ronda Kaysen and Alicia Parlapiano highlight analysis by Patrick…
time use
Increasing time spent at home
Where the Time Goes with Age
We get 24 hours in a day. How do we spend this time? How does our time use change as we get older and priorities shift?
How Much We Work
In our younger years, we have school and more important things to do, but then we get older and there are bills to pay.
Who is Sleeping, by Age and Time
Sleepy time varies as responsibilities shift.
Loneliness, life satisfaction, and time
For The Pudding, Alvin Chang examines loneliness through the lens of individual responses…
Are we back yet?
In 2020, our everyday routines shifted dramatically, but over the past few years, it’s felt like things are getting back to where they were. How back are we?
When is Dinner, by State
These are the states that eat dinner the earliest and latest, along with everyone else in between.
Best Possible Life More Common with Age
Maybe your best possible life is ahead of you.
Mixed Feelings of Happiness and Meaning
Happiness and meaning do not always travel together. Sometimes we need to pursue meaning without the happiness, and vice versa.
Happiness and Meaning in What We Do
There are things that make us happy. There are things where we find meaning in the everyday. What are the things that give us both?
When Americans Are Happiest
What people are doing when they are happy and not, from age 20 to 70.
Life Satisfaction and Age
These life satisfaction scores might make you want to rethink life.
Feelings at Work
We spend a lot of time working. It seems worth thinking about how we feel during all those hours.
Where We Find Meaning in the Everyday
Meaningfulness scores from the American Time Use Survey provide a hint of what we value.
Time splits from a visualization freelancer
Eli Holder shows how he split his freelance time across various projects and…
Cost of breastfeeding, seen in self-tracked data
There are baby formula shortages in the United States. A criticism from some…
How Much Time We Spend Alone and With Others
Oftentimes what we’re doing isn’t so important as who we’re spending our time with.
Who We Spend Time with as We Get Older
In high school, we spend most of our days with friends and immediate family. But then we get jobs, start a family, retire, and there’s a shift in who we spend our days with.
Most Common Daily Routines
We all have our routines, but from person-to-person, the daily schedule changes a lot depending on your responsibilities.
How Men and Women Spend Their Days
Using an oldie but goodie visualization format to look at time use between different groups.