New to me, Plain Text Sports shows box scores for the major sports…
Plain text box scores
Your name shaped under a trend line
Add another graphic to the baby name genre of visualization. Karim Douïeb put…
Search the text in historical maps
The David Rumsey Map Collection has been home to tens of thousands of…
Fonts primer
The Washington Post provides an introduction to fonts with mini-quizzes and straightforward examples.…
Evolution of George Santos’ biography
George Santos, currently a U.S. representative, seems to lie about his background and…
Election ad topics
Midterm election day is just about here in the U.S., so the political…
Word cloud + Streamgraph = WordStream
I hear it all the time from chart purists. “I love the streamgraph!”…
R graphics get modern text support, with ragg package
Thomas Lin Pedersen announced the ragg package, which makes font usage in R…
Neural network creates images from text
OpenAI trained a neural network that they call DALL·E with a dataset of…
Text from press briefings categorized
The New York Times went through the words used during press briefings, pulling…
Analysis of online sermons
Pew Research Center analyzed online sermons in U.S. searches, taking a closer look…
From text to paint
Leslie Roberts uses paint to encode text as colors and geometry:
My paintings… -
What Makes People the Most Happy
It’s in the details of 100,000 moments. I analyzed the crowd-sourced corpus to see what brought the most smiles.
Vector paths of meaning between words and phrases
Benjamin Schmidt, an assistant professor of history at Northeastern University, explored the space…
Subreddit math with r/The_Donald helps show topic breakdowns
Trevor Martin for FiveThirtyEight used latent semantic analysis to do math with subreddits,…
Recurring characters in film and the words used to describe them
Stereotropes, made by the Bocoup Data Visualization Team, explores the many tropes in…
Most decade-specific words in Billboard song titles
David Taylor looked for words in Billboard song titles that appeared during a…
History through the president’s words →
The Washington Post visualized the use of specific words throughout the years during…
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How to Display Text in R
Text can provide much needed context to traditional visual cues and can be used as a visual cue itself in some cases.
Extensive timelines of slang for genitalia
The title says it all. Jonathon Green, a slang lexicographer, has two new…