Liuhuaying Yang aims to clarify the names and sounds that get lost when…
Chinese names lost in translation
Your name shaped under a trend line
Add another graphic to the baby name genre of visualization. Karim Douïeb put…
Political leanings of first and last names
For The Washington Post, Andrew Van Dam and Lenny Bronner analyzed names and…
Spell your name with satellite imagery
Here’s a fun interactive from NASA Landsat that lets you enter your name…
Name guessing probabilities on talk radio
A few years ago, I made an interactive chart that guesses your name…
Trendy baby name sounds
For WP’s Department of Data, Daniel Wolfe analyzed baby name data with Laura…
Names that are more dog or more human
There appears to be a trend of using human names for pets. Alyssa…
More gender-neutral names
Georgios Karamanis plotted the ratio of girls-to-boys over time for all the names…
Trendiest Baby Name Every Year Since 1930, in the U.S.
Baby names gain sudden popularity for various reasons. See how it’s changed over the years.
Evolution of Chinese names
For Kontinentalist, Isabella Chua took a dive into the evolution of Chinese names:…
Karen equivalents, based on name data
The name Karen. It’s not a common baby name these days. It peaked…
Grandpa Chad distribution
xkcd crossed a rough age distribution of people becoming grandparents with people named…
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Making the Name Guesser (The Process #73)
Using one of my recent projects as an example, I describe my non-elegant process of making a quick chart.
Guessing Names Based on What They Start With
I’m terrible at names, but maybe data can help. Put in your sex, the decade when you were born, and start putting in your name. I’ll try to guess before you’re done.
Street suffixes show the organization of cities
The suffixes on street names can say a lot about a neighborhood. A…
The Most Gender-Switched Names in US History
We use some names mostly for boys and some mostly for girls, but then there is a small percentage that, over time, switched from one gender to another. Which names made the biggest switch?
Names in movies vs. real life
Here’s a fun spin on the name analysis genre by Mary Zam. She…
The rise and plummet of the name Heather
Hey, no one told me that baby name analysis was back in fashion.…
Estimated age based on your name
A while back, Nate Silver and Allison McCann for FiveThirtyEight estimated age based…
The Most Regional Names in US History
It was a challenge to choose a name for my son, someone who…