Nicky Case made an interactive explanation of how neurons work. It’s part narrated…
Nathan Yau
Interactive explanation for how neurons work
Seaborn →
A Python library for visualization. Surprised I just heard of it.
Taking Data Visualization From Eye Candy to Efficiency →
Sifting out some of the styles of contemporary data visualization.
Years You Have Left to Live, Probably
The individual data points of life are much less predictable than the average. Here’s a simulation that shows you how much time is left on the clock.
Gravity visualized in physics demo
Properties of time and space using marbles and two large pieces of spandex sewn together in a classroom demonstration.
d3-jetpack →
Forgot about this. The d3-jetpack from Gregor Aisch makes some of the more tedious tasks in d3.js a bit shorter and intuitive.
What interviewing for data science jobs is like
Trey Causey just finished an interview roundabout for data science jobs. He outlines…
Power sources in each state
A clean and simple set of slope charts to show the change between 2000 and 2014.
City layouts in 3-D
They look like little cardboard cutouts.
Pascal’s triangle, not just a stack of numbers
Death in Syria counted
In a striking representation by the New York Times, a dot represents each life lost.
Who Earned a Higher Salary Than You
Work changed over the years. Salaries changed over the years. I was curious: If you compared your personal income from present day, how would it compare to the distribution of salaries in previous decades?
Detailed data release for U.S. college debt, graduation rate, and test scores
With all of my frustrations with government sites, the education release feels pretty great.
Automatic charts and insights in Google Sheets
So you have your data neat and tidy in a single spreadsheet, and…
Turn a two-way mirror into an information display
Here’s a fun project to try over the weekend. Hannah Mitt and Andrew…
Way more trees than previously thought, new estimates show
There are a lot of trees on this planet.
Death of apps via tweets
Apps peak and die on a regular basis. One day everyone is giving…
Searching for stock market spoofers
A stepper from Bloomberg that explains how spoofers put in fake orders to game the market.
Venn Diagrams: Read and Use Them the Right Way
Venn diagrams seem straightforward, but why all the mistakes? Here’s a guide to avoid the snafus.
Maps to understand tennis
Damien Saunder, a cartographer at ESRI, likes to use mapping methods to evaluate…