Truth & Quantity by Gregor Hochmuth is what happens when you strip out…
Nathan Yau
Counting the numbers in the news
How people read books
Jellybooks is an analytics company that evaluates how people read book, in a…
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Adding Legends in R
Make sure you explain your visual encodings so that others can interpret them.
Greater access to clean water
National Geographic, in collaboration with Bestiario, looks at the improving accessibility to clean…
Simulation shows why polls don’t always match future results
With election season in full swing, as far as the news is concerned…
What Makes Software Good? →
Thoughtfulness in design from d3.js maker Mike Bostock. One of the main reasons I go with d3.js over other libraries.
Moving to the “worst” place in America
In 1999, the Department of Agriculture published a Natural Amenities Scale that took…
Evolving graphics department at the New York Times
Ken Doctor for Nieman Lab had a chat with Steve Duenes from the…
Never Been Married
Some people never get married, and some wait longer than others. Let’s look at these people.
Basketball shot charts, make your own
Based on data from the NBA stats API and using the visual layout…
What I Use to Visualize Data
“What tool should I learn? ” I hesitate to answer, because I use what works best for me, which isn’t necessarily the best for someone else or the “best” overall. Nevertheless, here’s my toolset.
Send map tiles to 3-D printer
Mapzen, which offers a vector tile service, made Tile Exporter, so that you…
Hurricane simulations show severe flooding in Houston
In 2008, Hurricane Ike blew just past the Houston Ship Channel, “home to…
Marrying Age
People get married at various ages, but there are definite trends that vary across demographic groups. What do these trends look like?
Cell reception on the subway, mapped
Daniel Goddemeyer and Dominikus Baur grew interested in cell reception while on the…
Super Tuesday simulation to show uncertainty
As we know, there are various outcomes during election season, with uncertainty in…
Impact of Best Picture Oscar nomination on profit
I think the general assumption is that getting an Oscar nomination for Best…
Possible paths for a Trump nomination loss or win
It pains me to imagine a time when Donald Drumpf earns a Republican…
Screen-capping Google Maps for traffic
Alyson Hurt quickly wrote some code to take screen captures of a Google…
Vega-Lite for quick online charts
A few years ago, Trifacta released Vega, a “visualization grammar” that lets you…