From the Voyageurs Wolf Project, a map shows the travels of a lone…
Nathan Yau
2,774 miles traveled by a lone wolf
How parents spend time with their kids
For Quartz, Dan Kopf and Jenny Anderson on how time spent with kids…
Hours of daylight mapped as a function of latitude and time of year
Reddit user harpalss animated hours of day light by latitude and day of…
Members Only
Bar Chart Baselines Don’t Have to Start at Zero? (The Process #66)
Quietest highway route in each state
Geotab made a rough estimate of the quietest route in each state, based…
Data life cycle
Summarizing a talk by Xaquín G.V., Natalie Gerhardstein for Delano:
Among González’ takeaways… -
KPI overload
From Tom Fishburne, the Marketoonist. Maybe a dashboard isn’t the answer you’re looking…
Salary and Occupation
Salaries vary across occupations. Here are some charts that show by how much for 800 of them.
Making the most detailed map of auto emissions in America
Using estimates from the Database of Road Transportation Emissions, Nadja Popovich and Denise…
Members Only
The Best Visualization Course I Ever Took; Membership Update with New Points of View (The Process #65)
This week I reminisce back to when I didn’t know anything about visualization, and all I wanted to do was solve analysis problems. Also, some fun updates on the way, exclusively for members.
Why scientists need to be better at visualization
For Knowable Magazine, Betsy Mason looks at the state of (not so good)…
Growing Your Visualization Toolset (and Mine), a FlowingData Membership Update
It’s time to kick the tires on some new tools.
Map of nighttime lights normalized by population
You’ve probably seen the composite map of lights at night from NASA. It…
How Much You Should Be Saving for Retirement
There are a lot of variables to consider, but for people of middle income, here’s a suggestion, based on when you start saving and when you want to retire.
xkcd-style charts in JavaScript
For xkcd fans, here’s a JavaScript library by Tim Qian that lets you…
Saving for Retirement and Age
People tend to have more money saved up over time, but range and variation also grow, and often it’s not enough.
Paying for Elizabeth Warren’s proposed policies
Elizabeth Warren has big plans, and they would cost a lot with a…
Members Only
Cleaning and Formatting Data, What I Use (The Process #64)
There are many tools to clean up your data, and they can be helpful with the right dataset and situation. I tend to stick to a small handful. Here’s what works for me.
Randall Munroe of xkcd on Data Stories
Randall Munroe of xkcd was on the Data Stories podcast. He talks about…
Sephora dataset is a collection of makeup reviews that mention crying
Interested in reviews on the Sephora website for waterproof makeup, Connie Ye figured…