In the 1950s, almost half of all employed people were either in farming or manufacturing. As you can imagine, work changed a bit over the years.
Nathan Yau
Shifts in Job Distribution
AI-generated pies
Janelle Shane applied her know-how with artificial intelligence to generate new types of…
Everything in the universe
In this video, Dominic Walliman attempts to illustrate and explain all of the…
All the Foreign Bodies That Got Stuck
Many things get stuck in people’s bodies. This is the percentage breakdown for the most common objects that end up in the emergency room.
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Visualization Tools, Datasets, and Resources — November 2019 Roundup (The Process #67)
Every month I collect new visualization tools, datasets, and resources. Here is the good stuff for November.
Scroll, scroll, scroll through the depths of the ocean
The oceans are deep. But how deep and what’s down there? Neal Agarwal…
Compare your city’s air pollution to the rest of the world
High air pollution can lead to serious health risks, but you can’t usually…
Looking for similar NBA games, based on win probability time series
Inpredictable, a sports analytics site by Michael Beuoy, tracks win probabilities of NBA…
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How to Draw Maps with Hatching Lines in R
Fill areas with varying line density to give more or less visual attention. With geographic maps, the technique is especially useful to adjust for population density.
Fashion runway color palette
From Google Arts & Culture:
We came together with The Business of Fashion… -
Traveling Salesman art
Robert Bosch likes to use the Traveling Salesman Problem to draw famous portraits…
Teaching R to 7th graders
Joshua Rosenberg describes his one-day experience teaching R to 7th graders:
[T]he activity… -
2,774 miles traveled by a lone wolf
From the Voyageurs Wolf Project, a map shows the travels of a lone…
How parents spend time with their kids
For Quartz, Dan Kopf and Jenny Anderson on how time spent with kids…
Hours of daylight mapped as a function of latitude and time of year
Reddit user harpalss animated hours of day light by latitude and day of…
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Bar Chart Baselines Don’t Have to Start at Zero? (The Process #66)
Quietest highway route in each state
Geotab made a rough estimate of the quietest route in each state, based…
Data life cycle
Summarizing a talk by Xaquín G.V., Natalie Gerhardstein for Delano:
Among González’ takeaways… -
KPI overload
From Tom Fishburne, the Marketoonist. Maybe a dashboard isn’t the answer you’re looking…
Salary and Occupation
Salaries vary across occupations. Here are some charts that show by how much for 800 of them.