The New York Times highlights the work of True Price Foundation, a group…
Environmental cost of food
Fashion industry’s environmental impact
For Bloomberg, Rachael Dottle and Jackie Gu look at the current state of…
Seeing CO2 is a playable data visualization
Seeing CO2, by design studio Extraordinary Facility, is a playable data visualization that…
Amount of fish to raise a big fish
Raising living things requires resources. In the case of fish, it requires more…
Years of life lost due to breathing bad air
Researchers at the University of Chicago’s Energy Policy Institute estimated the number of…
World map shows aerosol billowing in the wind
Using a mathematical model based on satellite data, NASA shows an estimate of…
A transforming river seen from above
The Padma River in Bangladesh is constantly shifting its 75-mile path. Joshua Stevens…
Mapping the ocean undisturbed by humans
Researchers recently published estimates for the amount of area undisturbed by humans —…
Surprise, the world was warmer again in 2017
According to NASA estimates, 2017 was the second warmest year on record since…
Mapping perceived canopy tree cover in major cities
Treepedia, from the MIT Senseable City Lab, estimates perceived tree cover at the…
Simulation shows swirling of smoke, sea salt, and dust around the world
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NASA. Data. Good.
Tracking the aerosols carried on the winds… -
Google maps street-level air quality using Street View cars with sensors
Google equipped their Street View cars with air quality sensors and sent them…
Carbon emissions goals vs. current paths
Brad Plumer and Nadja Popovich reporting for The New York Times:
Under the… -
Iceberg scale, as described in different countries
A giant iceberg broke off from Antartica. Like, really big. Quartz collected the…
Moving ice
Ice in Antartica is in constant (very slow) motion, and as ocean waters…
Melting glaciers
Glaciers at Glacier National Park in Montana are melting. Using data from the…
Breathing Earth of vegetation
Using data from NOAA STAR, Nadieh Bremer creates a breathing Earth that shows…
X-Ray of the oceans
Using satellite data and spatial models, researchers estimate human influence in the ocean.…
Climate Change Coloring Book
The Climate Change Coloring Book by Brian Foo makes data tactile and interactive.…
Following the carbon dioxide
This animated visualization from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center shows a model of…