Tom Brady, the quarterback for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, is 45 years old,…
Tom Brady of other jobs
Digital face aging with neural network
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Disney Research demonstrates their use of neural networks to seamlessly… -
Life Satisfaction and Age
These life satisfaction scores might make you want to rethink life.
Oldest U.S. government
Annie Fu, Walt Hickey, and Shayanne Gal, for Insider, show the disproportionately aging…
How Much Time We Spend Alone and With Others
Oftentimes what we’re doing isn’t so important as who we’re spending our time with.
A test for a potentially flawed study on randomness and age
In 2017, a study posited that human behavior complexity peaks at age 25…
Social Media Usage by Age
Here’s the breakdown by age for American adults in 2021, based on data from the Pew Research Center.
Your place in the world population by World Data Lab asks your birthday, country of residence, and gender.…
Age of Moms When Kids are Born
It’s a wide range, based on data from the National Center for Health Statistics.
How Much Americans Make
Median income only tells you where the middle is. The distributions of income are a lot more interesting.
Age and Occupation
Whether it’s because of experience, physical ability, or education level, some jobs tend towards a certain age of worker more than others.
Age range of Olympians
Bonnie Berkowitz and Artur Galocha go with the strip plot to show the…
Members Only
Retired Minard – The Process 147
Maybe it’s better to focus on the present to do the best with what we have, which moves us towards the future.
Coming and Going Age Generations
Since no one has figured out how to defeat time, age generations come and go. This chart shows the generational breakdowns since 1920.
Age generations in the U.S. Senate, over time
With this straightforward unit chart, shows which generation each Senate member belonged…
Redefining Old Age
What is old? When it comes to subjects like health care and retirement, we often think of old in fixed terms. But as people live longer, it’s worth changing the definition.
Finding the New Age, for Your Age
You’ve probably heard the lines about how “40 is the new 30” or “30 is the new 20.” What is this based on? I tried to solve the problem using life expectancy data. Your age is the new age.
This Age is the New Age
30 is the new 20. Wait. 40 is the new 20. No, scratch…
Age Generation Populations
Based on estimates from the United States Census Bureau released for July 2019, Millennials are the largest living generation in the country now.
Grandpa Chad distribution
xkcd crossed a rough age distribution of people becoming grandparents with people named…