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In the 1950s, less than 10% of families with children were single-parent. In 2022, among families with children, 31% were single-parent — more than three times as common.
For The Washington Post, Anahad O’Connor, Aaron Steckelberg, and Laura Reiley visually describe the use of artificial sweeteners in so-called healthy foods. Like with their piece on coffee versus tea, anthropomorphized food items take you through, which I very much enjoy.
Continuing an analysis of IRS records, Robert Faturechi and Ellis Simani for ProPublica delve into the timing of executives trading stock in partners and competitors:
The Medpace executive is among dozens of top executives who have traded shares of either competitors or other companies with close connections to their own. A Gulf of Mexico oil executive invested in one partner company the day before it announced good news about some of its wells. A paper-industry executive made a 37% return in less than a week by buying shares of a competitor just before it was acquired by another company. And a toy magnate traded hundreds of millions of dollars in stock and options of his main rival, conducting transactions on at least 295 days. He made an 11% return over a recent five-year period, even as the rival’s shares fell by 57%.
It’s been raining a lot here in California, which is helpful, because most of the state has been in severe drought for the past few years. However, the current aging systems can only capture so much of the rainwater, which means we’re still in a drought. For Reuters, Clare Trainor and Minami Funakoshi use a combo heatmap and area plot to show drought severity over the years.
Going off the calendar, today is the first day of spring, but nature just goes off the weather. For The Washington Post, Harry Stevens mapped the early and late arrival of spring leaves across the country:
This year’s winter weather pattern cleaved the country in half. As a ridge of high atmospheric pressure warmed the east, a low pressure system kept conditions cooler and wetter than usual across the west, said Michael A. Crimmins, a climate science professor at the University of Arizona.
It’s like Punxsutawney Phil has no actual bearing on the arrival of spring.
In the middle of 2022, a popular video on TikTok, since taken down, showed how to easily start a Kia or Hyundai with a USB connector. The trend started a year earlier in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where hundreds of vehicles were stolen every month. USAFacts looked at how the trend spread to other cities.
For The Washington Post, John Muyskens, Shannon Osaka, and Naema Ahmed mapped the main ways that Americans heat their homes:
Thanks to a combination of local climates, electricity prices and historical accident, America’s home heating system, like the country’s politics, is deeply divided. In the South, thanks to government funding from almost a century ago and mild climates, many rely on electricity to stay warm. The Midwest is dominated by natural gas and, in rural areas, propane. In the Northeast, despite high prices and inconvenience, fuel oil still heats many homes.
People are waiting longer to have kids or not having kids at all, which leads to more dual income households with no kids.
GeoGuessr player rainbolt is next-level good at reading Google Maps. Given a short Vine clip, he walks through his process of figuring out the exact location of the video in about 15 minutes:
[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfdwjleF7nY” /]
It shows what you can do with publicly available bits of information to answer very specific questions. [via Waxy]
Silicon Valley Bank was unable to fill its responsibilities, so the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation took over last week. With $209 billion in assets, the SVB failure was the biggest since Washington Mutual Bank’s in 2008. These are all the failures since 2001, scaled by amount of assets in 2023 dollars.
Based on analysis by economics professor Caitlin Myers, FiveThirtyEight provides a hypothetical map that shows how access changes in terms of distance to travel and increase in patients at nearby clinics:
New bans will have outsized impacts on who can get an abortion, how far they have to drive for it and how long they have to wait for an appointment. A new analysis by Caitlin Myers, an economics professor at Middlebury College who studies abortion, illustrates how abortion access could continue to dwindle this year if key states like Florida and North Carolina pass additional restrictions.
You can select any combination of possible states and the map updates to show the shifts. Roll over any county to see the nearest county that provides access. Useful and informative.
The NBA currently uses player-tracking that estimates player position on the court in two dimensions. Imagine x-y-coordinates for a player at any given time. But of course two dimensions wasn’t enough, so the NBA is switching to the Hawk-Eye tracking system, which provides the third dimension:
The introduction of “pose tracking” provides new officiating capabilities to support better and faster decision-making, with the intent to increase the accuracy of officiating calls and the speed of play. In addition, the system will give the NBA and its teams the ability to measure and analyze athletic movement in new ways.
I think I liked sports better with just the box score. I might just be showing my age though.
Hannah Ritchie compared electric vehicle range over the years:
The median range of EVs has increased 3.5-fold since 2011. You can see the median increasing as the red line shifts further to the right. The mid-range car in 2011 was the Nissan Leaf, where you could get 73 miles on a single charge. In 2022 this was the Chevrolet Bolt, at 247 miles.
Each line represents a vehicle type, and the red lines indicate the median range. The distributions expand and shift towards longer range.
When we hear about household income, it’s usually in an overall context that considers all households at once. However, you can group households in various ways, which can give you a better idea of how your situation might compare to others.
Here’s household income by number of earners in the household, based on data from the 2022 Current Population Survey. The values are adjusted for 2023 dollars.
For The Washington Post, Harry Stevens used the line chart equivalent of a bar chart race to show when China is projected to pass the United States in total emissions. There is some quiz action to pique your interest.
Despite the popularity of the bar chart race, some hold a high level of disdain for the method, because it’s hard to pick out an overall pattern. It also takes more time to animate rankings when you can often see the same thing much quicker with a line chart.
The line chart race, which I think popped up a bit after the bar chart race, also takes time to show all the data. However, it comes with a bonus that the vertical scale can adjust to the current segment of data displayed, which lets you see how the patterns evolve.
Asian characters in American films are historically less integral to the stories and written with less depth. However, things have noticeably shifted over the past few years, which you can see through the history of Oscar nominations. For The New York Times, K.K. Rebecca Lai provides a rundown Asian actor nominations.
[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoLk6GUKzU0″ /]
As a world population, we’re growing taller, but South Koreans seemed to grow a lot quicker over the past century. Vox breaks down height distributions and explains the increased rate in South Korea in their Vox-y combination of paper, slides, and digital. Wealth and improved food supply appears to have helped things along.
There’s one part when the narrator Alvin Chang says he has to adjust the vertical axis to see the change in height better. My chest might have tightened as my mind went to bar-charts-start-at-zero land, but the bar chart in the video switches from height to change in height, so it was all okay. Phew.