The coronavirus has changed everything. Larry Buchanan, for The New York Times, goes…
Nathan Yau
54 ways coronavirus changed the world
Map shows increasing confirmed cases in rural areas
This map by Tim Meko for The Washington Post uses time series lines…
Anatomy of an outbreak
For Reuters, Manas Sharma and Simon Scarr animated a coronavirus outbreak in Singapore…
Based on poll, a lot of people think Bill Gates is plotting to inject a tracker via coronavirus vaccine?
A Yahoo News/YouGov poll recently showed this:
Only 40% of American adults are…
An Incalculable Loss
The New York Times used their full front page to list 1,000 names…
They Were Us.
This is The New York Times front page for Sunday, May 24, 2020.…
Moves towards reopening the country
Using anonymized cellphone data from SafeGraph, Reade Levinson and Chris Canipe for Reuters…
Bad denominator
With coronavirus testing, many governments have used the percentage of tests that came…
Members Only
Improving the Georgia Cases Chart (The Process 090)
The Georgia Department of Public Health published a questionable chart showing confirmed Covid-19 cases over time. Intentionally misleading or poorly made chart?
Reopening states and how they currently measure up
States are reopening. Some seem ready, and some less so. Lena V. Groeger…
Households that lost income
This straightforward grid map by Danielle Alberti for Axios shows the percentage of…
Drawing the coronavirus
What does the coronavirus look like? Rebekah Frumkin for The Paris Review highlights…
Rivers know this
“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.”…
Florida data manager fired over transparency of Covid-19 data
Rebekah Jones, GIS manager for the Florida Department of Health, was fired a…
Machine learning to make a dictionary of words that do not exist
Thomas Dimson trained a model to generate words that don’t exist in real…
Where unemployment benefits are higher than lost wages
Economists at the University of Chicago analyzed unemployment benefits from the CARES act…
LEGO normal distribution animation
Let’s just animate all statistical concepts with LEGO from now on:
My daughter…
How experts use disease modeling to help inform policymakers
Harry Stevens and John Muyskens for The Washington Post put you in the…
Map shows US typefaces named after cities in their geographic location
For The Statesider, Andy Murdock wondered how many typefaces are named after American…
Coronavirus Visual Rundown, Part II (The Process 089)
This issue of The Process is public.
Nathan here. This is The…