Alyson Hurt for NPR Visuals describes how they make responsive data tables for…
Nathan Yau
Responsive data tables
NBA basketball fans by ZIP code
After the popularity of The Upshot’s baseball fandom map, it’s no surprise the…
Random things that correlate
This is fun. Tyler Vigen wrote a program that attempts to automatically find…
Type I and II errors simplified
“Type I” and “Type II” errors, names first given by Jerzy Neyman and…
Name popularity by state, animated by year
Using baby name data from the Social Security Administration, Brian Rowe made this…
Optimizing your R code
Hadley Wickham offers a detailed, practical guide to finding and removing the major…
Naked Statistics
Naked Statistics by Charles Wheelan promises a fun, non-boring introduction to statistics that…
Downloading Your Email Metadata
Email provides a window into who we interact with and what we do. This tutorial describes how to get that data in the format you want.
Crystal clusters of world data
Artist Scott Kildall generates what he calls World Data Crystals by mapping data…
Most underrated films
Ben Moore was curious about overrated and underrated films.
“Overrated” and “underrated” are… -
Create a barebones R package from scratch
While we’re on an R kick, Hilary Parker described how to create an…
R for cats and cat lovers
Following the lead of JavaScript for Cats by Maxwell Ogden, Scott Chamberlain and…
Hip hop vocabulary compared between artists
Matt Daniels compared rappers’ vocabularies to find out who knows the most words.…
Your mobility at various times during the day
Isoscope, a class project by Flavio Gortana, Sebastian Kaim and Martin von Lupin,…
The size of Game of Thrones dragons compared
Because Game of Thrones. Max Fleishman and Fernando Alfonso III for The Daily…
Views of white Americans
In light of the Donald Sterling brouhaha, Amanda Cox for The Upshot put…
Hiding a pregnancy from advertisers
You probably remember how Target used purchase histories to predict pregnancies among their…
Interactive visualization used as music video
George & Jonathan used an interactive audio visualization for their recent album George…
Combatting the Obsession with New Tools
Michal Migurski thinks about finding the right job for the tool rather than…
Learn regular expressions with RegExr
Learning regular expressions tends to involve a lot of trial and error and…