The Forest of Advocacy is a series of animations that explores the political…
Animated political contributions
Presidential campaign stops mapped →
Emily Chow, Ted Mellnik, and Karen Yourish for The Washington Post mapped where…
Words used at the National Conventions
The elections season is in full swing, and the New York Times graphics…
Amazon election map, based on book sales
Amazon used their book sales data to color a map red and blue.…
Twitter Political Index measures feelings towards candidates
In partnership with social analytics service Topsy, Twitter launched a Political Index that…
Network of political contributions →
The Wall Street Journal visualized major political contributions, according to the Federal Election…
Political allegiance via wireless network SSIDs, mapped
Wireless network SSIDs in residential areas are typically left on default router names…
Reverse engineering targeted emails from 2012 Campaign
After noticing the Obama campaign was sending variations of an email to voters,…
Agreement groups in the US Senate
PhD student Adrien Friggeri demonstrates a new clustering algorithm with a visualization of…
Where Campaign Spending is Going to
Making use of data from the Federal Election Commission and The New York…
Who voted for Santorum and Romney
As a complement to Shan Carter’s exit poll dancing boxes, The New York…
Slicing Obama’s 2013 budget proposal four ways
With Obama’s recent budget for next year proposed, Shan Carter et. al of…
Compare presidential candidate fundraising
Presidential candidates have raised $186 million up to now, according to the Federal…
Words used in SOTU and Republican presidential candidates in debates
Jonathan Corum for The New York Times examines word usage by President Barack…
SOPA opposition surges
ProPublica has been tracking members of Congress who oppose and support SOPA. You…
How the deficit got so big
The US continues to rack up more and more debt, with a deficit…
Open government and Easter candy
Sunlight Foundation displays some key government numbers with Easter candy, because as you…
Challenge: Spot the mistakes in the figures
During production of the 2011 USAID annual letter from Rajiv Shah, someone said…
Thoughts on end of
In a guest post for the Datablog, I thought out loud about…
- and other transparency sites to be shut down due to budget cuts
Last week, there were rumblings over the end of the Statistical Abstract, and…