
Intuitive to look at spatial patterns and great for distributing geographic data.

Bus movements in San Francisco animated

Eric Fischer has been having a good bit of fun with maps lately.…

Stamen makes experimental prettymaps

Add another toy to Stamen’s bag of tricks. The recently launched prettymaps by…

Animated map of earthquakes in Iceland

I’m late on this, but remember that volcano eruption in Iceland a few…

Weeplaces visualizes your FourSquare movements

I’m still not comfortable sharing my location with strangers, and my friends are…

Designing an easier-to-read NYC subway map

There’s a lot of history behind the New York City subway map, but…

Browse street-side with Microsoft Street Slide

When street view came out on all the the popular online map applications,…

Afghanistan war logs revealed and mapped

This past Sunday, well-known whistle-blower site Wikileaks released over 91,000 secret US military…

Where all the BP oil could end up

Now that the oil flow has finally stopped, for now, the attention has…

Global forest heights mapped in detail by NASA

NASA has mapped the world’s forest heights, based on satellite data, for a…

Maps that changed the world

Peter Barber, head of Map Collections at the British Library reports for the…

Geography of Lost island

GIS guy Jonah Adkins maps the geography of Lost (the tv series). It…

Mapping what your neighborhood used to look like

In part of their initiative to get young and old people to hang…

What America spends on gas and auto

In a follow-up to their graphic on what America spends on food and…

Where Americans are moving

Jon Bruner of Forbes reports that more than 10 million Americans moved from…

Landscape chartspotting

We saw math principles in nature. Now how about charts? Andy Woodruff does…

Find your booty with Bing treasure maps

Maps on the major sites like Yahoo, Google, and Bing have a similar…

Where the tourists really flock

A couple of weeks ago you saw Eric Fischer’s maps of Flickr photos…

San Francisco crime mapped as elevation

Doug McCune maps San Francisco crime in 2009 as if it were elevation.…