
Intuitive to look at spatial patterns and great for distributing geographic data.

Poverty in late 19th century London

Alice Rawsthorn for The New York Times reports on Charles Booth’s London poverty…

BP oil spill if it were where you live

If it Was My Home is a simple but effective concept. Enter your…

Uber detailed London map satire

Stephen Walter’s The Island looks like an ordinary map of London from afar.…

Overhaul of New York subway map

The ever-popular New York subway map is getting some work done, and will…

Iraq and Afghanistan casualities, home and away

In a collaboration between CNN and Stamen Design, Home and Away offers a…

World atlas of Flickr geotaggers is maptastic

In a different look to the let’s-map-geotagged-photos idea, photographer Eric Fischer maps picture…

Map of where toursists flock

Bluemoon Interactive, a small codeshop, maps touristiness, based on uploads to Panoramio, a…

Fake filming locations of Paramount Studios

This might shock you, but many movies are not filmed on location. Yeah.…

Senate and House races are on

I’m not proud of this, but I know very little about what’s going…

Tracking the oil spill

For those following the status of the oil spill, the New York Times…

Seeing the art in cartography

In much of the same spirit of the recent Cartographies of Time, the…

Review: indiemapper makes thematic mapping easy

It’s finally here. Indiemapper brings easy and flexible thematic mapping online. I’ve been…

Air traffic rebooted in northern Europe

Air traffic has returned to normal levels in northern Europe, and planes fill…

A guide to geostatistical mapping with open-source tools

Mapping with R and other free and open-source programs feels clunky and hacked-together…

Gay marriage timeline

The Los Angeles Times reports on the chronology of gay rights in the…

The Ash Cloud and Airport Shutdowns

In case you’re following the craziness going on over Europe due to that…

Explorations of real-world traffic

We don't often get to see how cars, trains, airplanes, etc move in physical space, because, well, we're usually in them.

Swing vote effects explored with swingometer

With the 2010 UK elections coming up, the Guardian explores possible outcomes, given…