This is what happens when there is a disconnect between data and what…
Mistaken Data
Hm. That does not look right.
Skittle disconnect
Sans human, Facebook’s Trending Topics algorithm faired poorly
Last week, Facebook announced that it was making the Trending Topics section more…
Guide to spotting data BS
As we delve deeper into election season, politicians will spit out more and…
The most misleading charts of 2015, fixed →
Suggestions. Not just snark.
Science formally retracts LaCour paper
Last week, graduate student Michael J. LaCour was in the news for allegedly…
Graduate student makes up data for fake findings
Last month, This American Life ran a story about research that asked if…
Questionable fumble statistics for Deflate-Gate
A data-centric look at New England Patriots fumble rates at home made the…
Basic chart, wrong conclusions
A short post on Bloomberg from 2013 describes the fall of U.S. mens’…
Unintentional Venn diagram suggests opposite meaning
Most people probably wouldn’t think much about this poster that shows the values…
By way of David Kennerr, something in this CNN frame seems off.…
Newborn false positives
Shutterfly sent promotional emails that congratulate new parents and encourage them to send…
Porn views for red versus blue states
Pornhub continues their analysis of porn viewing demographics in their latest comparison of…
Fox News bar chart gets it wrong
Because Fox News. See also this, this, and this. [Thanks, Meron]…
This pie chart is amazing.
From the Winnipeg Sun. Something isn’t right here. [via]…
Incredibly divided nation in a map
I knew things were bad, but I didn’t know they were this bad.…
Fox News continues charting excellence
Fox News tried to show the change in the top tax rate if…
Mitt Romney pseudo-venn diagram, used incorrectly
The Mitt Romney campaign put this venn diagram up a few days ago,…
Why are so many men pregnant?
Garbage in, garbage out the old adage goes. Nigel Hawkes, Director of Straight…
New iPad battery size is huge
From Gizmodo, this shows battery size in the new iPad versus that of…
Fox News still makes awesome charts
Charts and graphs are great, because they can let you see a pattern…