The creator of d3.js is answering questions on reddit right now. Saving for later, as I am sure there will be many interesting bits.
Nathan Yau
Mike Bostock AMA →
R course material →
A small set of tutorials to learn the basics of R.
Focusing on the full picture with data
I don’t know the full context of this discussion, but in the interview…
Bayesian fantasy football 101
Because of course.
Weevmee: Your Instagram photos turned artistic images
Weevmee autogenrates a woven-like image, based on your Instagram photos.
A lot of… -
Be a tennis line judge: Interactive tests your skills
Watch video clips from the judge’s point of view and try to make the call.
Work with Google Sheets in R →
Use the googlesheets package to import data.
Immigrant America
A dot density map showing one dot for every 20 immigrants.
Lessons from the Student’s Dilemma, the extra credit version of the Prisoner’s
Dylan Selterman, a psychology lecturer at the University of Maryland, presents the above…
8 years of dating as a chart
Robin We recollected her dating record over the past eight years.
Members Only
How to Make Maps in R That Include Alaska and Hawaii
The conterminous United States always gets the attention, while Alaska and Hawaii are often left out. It is time to bring them back into view.
Bar Chart Baselines Start at Zero
There are visualization rules and there are visualization suggestions. Most are suggestions. The ones that are rules exist because of how our brains process visual information. There’s just no getting around it.
Square mile grid-ness of the United States
Named after the grid system Thomas Jefferson used to apportion land acquired through…
Minimum Wage Machine pays in pennies
Crank to earn a penny every 4.5 seconds.
Extracting NBA player movement data
There’s no direct download, but there is an API.
Live cyber attack map
Norse monitors cyber attacks in real-time. This is their map of what’s going…
I’m doing a Reddit AMA
I’m doing a Reddit AMA tomorrow hosted by the DataIsBeautiful subreddit. It’ll be at 1:30pm EST on August 27, 2015.
Subway complaints by station
This map of subway complaints in Madrid isn’t geographically relevant to me, but the encoding scheme is interesting.
Making a hit song with Bieber, Diplo, and Skrillex
A visual layer set on top of the video interview makes the feelings understandable.
Bias from bias from bias
It’s not easy being unbiased. It just makes you biased.