The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database provides records for thousands of voyages between the…
Nathan Yau
Animated map shows Trans-Atlantic slave trade
A surveillance system that watches over an entire city
Technology continues to advance quickly, but the social questions are lagging a bit.…
Data into art and connecting to humans
Visualization tends to rest in the realm of efficiency and accuracy. From a…
Wes Anderson Palettes →
Primary colors used in frames of the director’s films. Someone made an R package for this a while back.
Same-sex marriage legalized in all states
The Supreme Court legalized gay marriage today. NPR shows before and after the…
Drought report cards for California water districts
Thomas Suh Lauder for the Los Angeles Times provides you with a way…
Working with R at the New York Times
Amanda Cox from the New York Times was on the Data Stories podcast.…
Playing chicken on the street and the ultimate battle for power
There’s the unspoken agreement between two people who walk directly towards each other.…
Refugee migration mapped globally
According to estimates recently released by the United Nations, about 14 million left…
Entire English Wikipedia in physical print
The exhibit From Aaaaa! to ZZZap! opened last week with a hit of…
Excel heat map hack
John Nelson from IDV Solutions explains how he uses a Microsoft Excel hack…
imager →
An R package for image processing.
Statistics to weed out fraud
As the Michael LaCour brouhaha settles into the archives of the Internet and…
Data journalism hoorah
In parallel to the Google Trends release, the Google News Lab produced a…
Google Trends in real-time
Google Trends used to be a place where you looked up trends for…
Members Only
How to Make Variable Width Bar Charts in R
The code to create these bar chart variations is almost the same as if you were to make a standard bar chart. But make sure you get the math right.
Traded animals
Based on data from the CITES Trade Database, “more than 27 million animals…
Super Mario Bros. was designed on graph paper
Leading up to the release of Super Mario Maker, which lets you create…
Computer program learns to play classic Nintendo games
I knew I had seen another automated video game thing before. Tom Murphy…
CSV to HTML Table →
“Display any CSV file as a searchable, filterable, pretty HTML table. Done in 100% JavaScript.”