These are my picks for the best of 2015. As usual, they could easily appear in a different order on a different day, and there are projects not on the list that were also excellent.
Nathan Yau
10 Best Data Visualization Projects of 2015
All known planets outside our solar system
Jan Willem Tulp, in collaboration with Visualized, shows all known exoplanets (currently 1,942…
Tour of a million stars
The Online Star Register takes you through a delightful view of a million…
Timelines show Star Wars character interactions
Remember when xkcd charted character interactions for fictional stories? Inspired by that and…
Mathematical gift wrapping
Mathematician Katie Steckles shows logical solutions to wrapping variously shaped presents.
I could’ve…
Squaire.js →
JavaScript library from Wall Street Journal to make the now popular square state grid.
k-means + d3.js →
The simple clustering technique implemented with d3.js.
A Day in the Life of Americans
I wanted to see how daily patterns emerge at the individual level and how a person’s entire day plays out. So I simulated 1,000 of them.
Tinder robot behaves to palm sweatiness
Take all the guesswork out of finding “love” on Tinder, and let the…
Guide for dealing with bad data
Enter the real world of data and statistics, and you find that files…
All the roads that lead to Rome
As the saying goes, “All roads lead to Rome.” Folks at the moovel…
Blueprint for a carbon-free world
Getting to 100 percent renewable energy seems like such a far away goal…
Plant life cycle shows a breathing Earth
NASA mapped the annual cycle of all plant life on the planet in…
Mass shootings count – Depends on your definition
With recent events, you’ve likely seen the articles and graphics that get into…
How various demographic groups can change the election result
Does your vote matter? Aaron Bycoffe and David Wasserman for FiveThirtyEight provide an…
Numbers quiz tests how well you know your country
In their annual survey that tests public perception against reality, Ipsos Mori asked…
Members Only
How to Make an Interactive Bar Chart With a Slider
Provide a slider for the standard bar chart so that users can shift focus to a point of interest.
Sunset quality forecasting
Forget temperature and rain weather forecasts. I want to know when the sunset…
Ant time-lapse shows movement patterns
Ant activity can seem mysterious at times. The pack seems to start out…
Cleaning sale: Half off in the FlowingData shop →
Everything — all two items — in the FlowingData shop is half off.…