Some industries are more compatible with remote work than others. Jonathan I. Dingel…
Remote work and industry
Occupation Growth and Decline
We looked at shifts in job distribution over the past several decades, but it was difficult to see by how much each occupation group changed individually. This chart makes the changes more obvious.
Shifts in Job Distribution
In the 1950s, almost half of all employed people were either in farming or manufacturing. As you can imagine, work changed a bit over the years.
Salary and Occupation
Salaries vary across occupations. Here are some charts that show by how much for 800 of them.
How Much Commuting is Too Much?
One person’s long commute is another’s dream. Another person’s normal might be someone else’s nightmare. What counts as a long commute depends on where you live.
When People Find a New Job
Looking at the 100 most common jobs people switched to, a timeline comes into view when we adjust the relative switch rates by age.
Where Your Job is Most Popular
Some jobs are common nationwide, because they are needed everywhere. Others are more specific to geography. See where job falls on the spectrum.
Most Uniquely Popular Job in Each State
These are the jobs in each state that are most specific to the place.
Single-Income Occupations
About 18 percent of couple households are single-income. I wanted to know what the earner in these homes usually do.
Most Common Jobs, By State
Instead of looking at only the most common job in each state, I found the top five for a slightly wider view.
Remote Workers vs. Non-Remote Workers
How the schedules between remote and non-remote workers differ during workdays.
Umpire strike zone changes to finish games earlier
When watching baseball on television, we get the benefit of seeing whether a…
Most Common Occupation by Age
As we get older, job options shift — along with experience, education, and wear on our bodies.
Constructed Career Paths from Job Switching Data
Shifting from one occupation to another can take a swing in the career path. Given your current job, what paths could you take? Here are some constructed possibilities.
Switching Jobs
When people move to different jobs, here’s where they go.
Who Earns More Income in American Households?
Compared to 1970, a shift towards women making the higher income.
Stack Overflow salary calculator for developers
Stack Overflow used data from their developer survey to build a prediction model…
Most Female and Male Occupations Since 1950
The shifting majorities of the sexes in the workplace.
Occupation Matchmaker
This is who marries whom, based on what one does for a living.
Calculating the opposite of your job
Here’s a fun calculation from The Upshot.
The Labor Department keeps detailed and…