This is how the mortality simulation machine gets made.
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Making of: When You Will Die
When You Will Die
With absolute certainty, you will die. When will it happen? That is a trickier question. But we can run simulations to explore the possibilities.
Movie runtimes framed by life expectancy
Memento Movi, a mini-app by Michael Condouris, is what you get when you…
Rise in drug overdose deaths, led by fentanyl
Deaths by drug overdose in the United States increased sharply over the past…
Rise in prison death rates during the pandemic
The Marshall Project highlights research on excess mortality in U.S. prisons:
The slowdown… -
Most Common Causes of Death, by Age
This is how the most common causes have changed over time for people aged 0 to 85.
Tree rings to compare life expectancy in your state
The Washington Post goes with a tree ring metaphor to compare life expectancy…
How Cause of Death Shifted with Age and Time in America
As we get older, our life expectancy declines. But when and how quickly the decline happens and how it happens has changed over the years.
Shifting causes of death over the decades
Saloni Dattani, for Our World in Data, used a set of heatmaps to…
Increasing alcohol-related deaths
Alcohol consumption, based on ethanol volume estimates, has been rising over the past…
Full scope of gun deaths in the U.S.
As I’m sure you know, mass shootings, which gain attention because the scale…
Deaths by Firearm, Compared Against Injury-Related Deaths
Among 1- to 19-year-olds, regulations decreased motor vehicle deaths, but deaths by firearms increased and became the leading mechanism in 2018.
Lives cut short by Covid
Alyssa Fowers and Leslie Shapiro, for The Washington Post, used the stories of…
Behind the million
Sergio Peçanha and Yan Wu, for The Washington Post, used a combination unit…
Reaching 1 million deaths
The New York Times narrated the path to one million Covid deaths in…
Scale of one million deaths
The United States is about to reach one million confirmed Covid deaths, or…
Increasing mortality baseline
There was a time not that long ago when a hundred covid deaths…
When There Were More Deaths Than Births in the U.S.
The two counts have been getting closer to each other. The past couple of years accelerated the process.
Death rates by vaccination booster status
Our World in Data continues their important work on providing and showing up-to-date…
Clock shows percentage of life lived so far
Shortlife is a clock by artist Dries Depoorter that simply shows the percentage…