While reading this NYT article, by Jodi Kantor and Arya Sundaram, on the…
Telling stories with data and graphics.
Tracked while reading about being tracked at work
Visual explanations for machine learning
As part of a teaching initiative by Amazon, MLU-Explain is a series of…
Sequoia tree wildfire protection
For Reuters, Travis Hartman, Ally J. Levine, and Anurag Rao describe the measures…
Melting popsicles to visualize a heat wave
Many European countries are experience record high temperatures, so The Washington Post used…
Why the galaxy pictures from the Webb telescope are pretty cool
The first public picture from the James Webb telescope is kind of cool…
Income ladder for the children of immigrants
You’ve probably seen the moving bubbles that show how something changes over time.…
Money distribution for streaming music
From the listener perspective, we pay our monthly or annual fees and just…
Absurd trolly problems
You’ve probably heard of the trolley problem, a thought experiment that imagines a…
Imagining carbon food labels
By purchasing certain foods, we make decisions about the carbon footprint from the…
Football field to show population change in the UK
The Office for National Statistics for the UK published an interactive to show…
Visualising Knowledge
Visualising Knowledge is an open book from PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, based…
Active shooter endings
For The New York Times, Larry Buchanan and Lauren Leatherby used Sankey diagrams…
Diagram of watercolors from the 17th century
In 1692, artist A. Boogert published a guide to watercolors, showing the thousands…
Garbage in space
There are thousands of satellites that orbit Earth, with about half of them…
Calculating the new cost of your summer road trip
With gas prices a lot higher than usual, Júlia Ledur, Leslie Shapiro, and…
Examination of songs after virality on TikTok
Vox, in collaboration with The Pudding, looked at what happens when a song…
Election modeling explained
In election reporting, there’s a gap between real-time results and final results, so…
Final texts
Alicia P.Q. Wittmeyer, for NYT Opinion, approached the one-million mark for Covid deaths…