Bad charts get made. It’s inevitable. Sometimes I wonder how it happens though.
Nathan Yau
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Imagining the Path to a Bad Chart – The Process 130
Bird migration forecast maps
BirdCast, from Colorado State University and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, shows current…
DeepTomCruise breakdown
Chris Ume, with the help of Tom Cruise impersonator Miles Fisher, created highly…
Minimum Wage and Cost of Living
We already looked at minimum wage over time, but when it comes to geography and income, you also have to consider the cost of living for a fair comparison.
Machine learning to find movie ideas
Speaking of A.I. and fiction, Adam Epstein for Quartz reported on how Wattpad,…
A.I. love story
Pamela Miskhin, in collaboration with The Pudding, wrote a love story. It’s not…
10 statistical lessons from the past pandemic year
The Royal Statistical Society published ten lessons governments should takeaway from this year,…
Forecasting Covid-19 cases in the early goings
There was a lot of uncertainty in the beginning of the pandemic, so…
Bats and outbreaks
For Reuters, Julia Janicki and Simon Scarr, with illustrations by Catherine Tai, show…
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Visualization Tools and Resources, February 2021 Roundup
Every month I collect new visualization tools and learning resources to help you make better charts. Here’s the good stuff for February 2021.
RAWGraphs 2.0, an open-source tool to visualize data
RAWGraphs, a tool conceived by DensityDesign in 2013, got a 2.0 update in…
Cooling Gulf Stream
This is quite a dive by Moises Velasquez-Manoff and Jeremy White for The…
Schools should open their windows for ventilation
As schools begin to reopen, The New York Times illustrates why classrooms should…
How Much Minimum Wage Changed in Each State
Minimum wage has increased over the years, but by how much depends on where you live.
Definition of an algorithm
Oftentimes we see “algorithms” referenced in various contexts, but the definition of an…
Social distancing when we’re back in the office
For Reuters, Sarah Slobin and Feilding Cage imagine life back at the office…
About that one-year decline in life expectancy
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a report that said life…
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Make Bad Charts – The Process 128
Everyone’s a beginner at some point.
Scale of the pandemic compared to the past
While we’re on the topic of scale, The New York Times plotted weekly…
500,000 lives lost, an individual scale
The United States passed the half million mark for confirmed Covid-19 deaths. It’s…