Run R applications online
Nathan Yau
Shiny Server →
Billionaires of the world ranked and charted
How wealthy are the richest people in the world? How do they compare…
Ayasdi →
A tool that advertises “automatic insights” from complex data, looks like mainly with clustering and network graphs
Vintage American Infographics →
Small collection of graphics from mid-19th century
Data Points: First look
For the past year, I’ve been working on Data Points: Visualization that Means…
Slitscanning online videos
Thanks to Sha Hwang, you can now siltscan videos on YouTube and Vimeo…
Cat Dataset →
2 gigs of cat data with images and eye, mouth, and ear positions. Yeah.
Data science on Wikipedia →
I guess it’s official now
slitscanner.js →
Make a sound sculpture from any YouTube video
silenc: Removing the silent letters from a body of text
During a two-week visualization course, Momo Miyazaki, Manas Karambelkar, and Kenneth Aleksander Robertsen…
Treasure island of infographic textbooks →
A look back on an old collection
Global temperature rises over past century
New Scientist mapped global temperature change based on a NASA GISTEMP analysis.
The… -
OpenVis Conf →
Still building the speaker list, but Amanda Cox is the keynote speaker, so it should be worth it just to hear her talk.
Tapestry conference →
“weaving stories and data”
Using data to find a husband
When it was time to settle down with the right man, Amy Webb…
Bicoastal Datafest →
On February 2 and 3, analyze money’s influence on politics
Character mentions in Les Miserables
Jeff Clark took a detailed look at Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables via character…
Flowchart: Gandalf problem solving →
The Lotr Project breaks down the thought process in the magical mind.…
Elements of Statistical Learning →
Free PDF download version for second edition of book [via]
How a Civil War Vet Invented the American Infographic →
Creator of the first Statistical Atlas of the United States