There’s a lot of data on criminal justice — prison populations, crime rates,…
Nathan Yau
Catalog of criminal justice data
How do you learn d3.js? →
Small projects. Decide what you want to make first, and then figure out how to do it.
Role of empathy in visualization
On the PolicyViz podcast, Kim Rees of Periscopic and Mushon Zer-Aviv of Shual…
Small multiples for NBA game differentials
Adam Pearce charted minute-by-minute point differentials for NBA games during the 2014-15 season.…
Yahoo News feed dataset for researchers →
A big ol’ dataset on interaction with the list of news items on the homepage.
Grid map showdown →
A quantitative look at which US grid layout is best.
Game: Guess the correlation
Guess the Correlation is a straightforward game where you do just that, and…
Sum of life’s parts
What if you relived life’s activities in big clumps? Thirty years of sleeping…
Same source, different styles →
Jaakko Seppälä drew ten comic characters, each in its original style and in…
Satellite time-lapse of Earth
Charlie Loyd, who works with satellite imagery at Mapbox, put together a 12-second…
Little boxes →
It must be that time of year again when practitioners try to define visualization. It’s a medium. It’s continuous.
Experimentation with globes in Blender 3D →
There’s also a collection of video tutorials on how to use QGIS to greater effect.
Amanda Cox is new editor of The Upshot
So great and well-deserved.
Playing with fonts using neural networks
Erik Bernhardsson downloaded 50,000 fonts and then threw them to the neural networks…
Missing 11th of the month
David Hagan looked closer at why the 11th of the month appeared to…
Counting your days left with emoji
While we’re on the topic of life expectancy, Tim Urban of Wait But…
Kaggle Datasets for a place to converge on public data
Kaggle just opened up a Datasets section to download and analyze public data.…
US Census Bureau open source
It took forever and it’s way overdue, but the United States Census Bureau…
How You Will Die
So far we’ve seen when you will die and how other people tend to die. Now let’s put the two together to see how and when you will die, given your sex, race, and age.
Nerdy Powerball FAQ
The Powerball FAQ was most likely written by a slightly annoyed statistician. You’d…