For NYT’s The Upshot, Aatish Bhatia, Josh Katz and Margot Sanger-Katz show the…
Distribution of snowfall estimates to show uncertainty
Weighted Olympic medal counts
To decide who’s doing best at the Olympics you have to define what…
Charts showing Tom Brady’s standout career
Tom Brady announced his retirement from the National Football League, which ends a…
False positives with prenatal tests for rare conditions
Sarah Kliff and Aatish Bhatia for NYT’s The Upshot look at the uncertainty…
All the provisions in the Build Back Better bill
For NYT’s The Upshot, Alicia Parlapiano and Quoctrung Bui outlined all of the…
Spending bill in a treemap box
Margot Sanger-Katz and Alicia Parlapiano for NYT’s The Upshot broke down a Democrat…
Black mortality gap
Anna Flagg, for NYT’s The Upshot, used dots arranged as a stacked area…
Falling spin rates in baseball after rule enforcement
NYT’s The Upshot analyzed spin rate on pitches before and after enforcing a…
Historical context for the heat in the Pacific Northwest
It’s been hot in the Pacific Northwest the past few days. NYT’s The…
Pandemic migrations
With the restrictions of the pandemic, you might expect an unusually big wave…
Tracking airfare as a proxy for summer travel plans
Quoctrung Bui and Sarah Kliff for NYT’s The Upshot used difference charts to…
Guess who the neighborhood voted for
NYT’s The Upshot has a quiz that puts you in a neighborhood via…
Mapping all of the voters
In what seems to have become a trend of making more and more…
Average stimulus aid, by household size and income
Alicia Parlapiano and Josh Katz, reporting for NYT’s The Upshot, plotted the average…
Precinct-level map of 2020 election results
NYT’s The Upshot published their precinct-level map of 2020 election results. Zoom in…
All of the insults
For NYT’s The Upshot, Kevin Quealy has been cataloging all of the insults…
Map of the voting in Georgia, the runoff vs. the general election
For NYT’s The Upshot, Nate Cohn explains how Warnock and Ossoff won Georgia.…
What states are doing to make mail-in ballots clearer
Mail-in ballots can be rejected if they’re not filled out or mailed correctly.…
Tracking the mail
With mail-in ballots looking to be more common than ever this year, NYT’s…
Vote-by-mail volume compared against years past
The volume of mail-in ballots will likely be higher than usual this year,…