You’re going to see probability values mentioned a lot these next few months. Many people will misinterpret. But not you.
What That Election Probability Means
Searchable campaign finance data from the FEC
Every four years, campaign finance data from the Federal Election Commission peeks its…
Election forecast tracker
FiveThirtyEight published their election forecast tracker this week, and it’s a beaut. It…
Voting habits for various demographic groups
Voter turnout and political leanings for various demographic groups play an important role…
Campaign Finance API moves to ProPublica
Back in 2008, the New York Times rolled out a campaign finance API…
Tracking the election tonight
As the results roll in tonight, you have plenty of options to keep…
New Hampshire results trackers
The New Hampshire results trackers are out in full force tonight. Ordered by…
Keeping an eye on election results
All eyes here in the states will be on election results tonight, and…
Billionaires’ favorite politicians
Jon Bruner for Forbes reports on billionaire contributions to politicians over the past…
The Election on Twitter
In what seems to have become an expectation during all major events, a…
Playful Infographics Triumph Over Pure Analytics (Sometimes)
The New York Times shows how presidential candidates have spent more than $900…