
Telling stories with data and graphics.

Gun deaths

As an introduction to a series on gun deaths in America, FiveThirtyEight uses…

History lesson on data visualization

Clive Thompson for Smithsonian Magazine gives a quick history lesson on infographics. [D]ata…

What happened at Pulse in Orlando

The Tampa Bay Times takes you through a 3-D model of Pulse Nightclub…

Voting habits for various demographic groups

Voter turnout and political leanings for various demographic groups play an important role…

Atlas of Emotions, a collaboration with the Dalai Lama

Emotions are complex and only partially understood, yet such a force in how…

NFL draft pick quality for your team

Despite what commentators and sports analysts might have you think, picking great players…

Music timeline plays through decades of top songs

The Year that Music Died from Polygraph is an animated timeline that shows…

Here’s how a neural network works

Daniel Smilkov and Shan Carter at Google put together this interactive learner for…

Titanic sinking in real-time

Visualization of time is usually about compression so that you can see more…

Virus trading cards

Eleanor Lutz made some trading cards — for viruses. To make the 3D…

Balance the Trump and Cruz tax plans

The tax plans of Ted Cruz and Donald Trump might seem fine if…

Simulation shows why polls don’t always match future results

With election season in full swing, as far as the news is concerned…

Super Tuesday simulation to show uncertainty

As we know, there are various outcomes during election season, with uncertainty in…

Impact of Best Picture Oscar nomination on profit

I think the general assumption is that getting an Oscar nomination for Best…

Possible paths for a Trump nomination loss or win

It pains me to imagine a time when Donald Drumpf earns a Republican…

Supreme Court shifts in power

The Upshot has been doing a good bit on the Supreme Court dynamics…

International impact of China’s economic slowdown

China’s economic slowdown means a major decline in imports from other countries, which…

Same source, different styles

Jaakko Seppälä drew ten comic characters, each in its original style and in…