
Telling stories with data and graphics.

Counting your days left with emoji

While we’re on the topic of life expectancy, Tim Urban of Wait But…

Immigration history

American immigration history is chock full of policies and restrictions, and you can…

Antibiotic history and the winning bacteria

We take antibiotics. Bacteria dies, but some lives, evolves and develops a resistance…

Visual breakdown of additives in food

In their book Ingredients, Dwight Eschliman and Steve Ettlinger explore additives in common…

Mass shootings count – Depends on your definition

With recent events, you’ve likely seen the articles and graphics that get into…

Missing votes in Congress

When members of the House of Representatives miss a vote, it is customary…

Pale Blue Dot motion graphic

Joel Somerfield created this motion graphic to Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot monologue.…

Motion graphics in Keynote

As an experiment, Linda Dong used Keynote, typically for your everyday slide presentations,…

Past and future predictions of when the world will end

Wikipedia has a list of predicted dates for when apocalypse strikes, because of…

Water scroller

Here’s a nice scroller from Katie Park for the Washington Post. It shows…

Value of body parts for injured workers

A detailed look at the state where companies can write their own workers' compensation plans.

Monopoly pieces to show presidential funding

According to the New York Times, 158 families funded about half of the…

A timeline of history

“I wish there was a timeline browser for all the historical events documented…

Human side of executions

On one side, a person is scheduled to die. On the other, the person did horrible things. It's complex.

Imagining alternative iPhone power sources

Lithium-ion batteries power the iPhone (among other things), but what if we could…

Cost of mobile ads to the consumer

The ethics and future of ads to keep sites running is still up…

What probability means in different fields

Statistically, probability ranges from 0 to 1 — impossible to definitely without a…

Interactive explanation for how neurons work

Nicky Case made an interactive explanation of how neurons work. It’s part narrated…