Statistical Visualization

Finding patterns, distributions, and anomalies.

What America spends on food and drink

How much more (or less) money do you spend on groceries than you do on dining out? Bundle, a new online destination that aims to describe how we spend money, takes a look at the grocery-dining out breakdown in major cities.

Driving habits and gas prices shift into reverse

Hannah Fairfield of the New York Times looks at driving habits and gas…

Streamgraph code ported to JavaScript

Lee Byron open-sourced his streamgraph code in Processing about a month ago. Jason Sundram has taken that and ported it to JavaScript, using Processing.js.

Tax brackets over the past century

Stephen Von Worley’s Weather Sealed is one of my new favorites. In his…

March Madness Bracketology

The Final Four is just about here. Who’s going to win it all?…

Statistical Atlas from the ninth Census in 1870

In 1870, Francis Walker oversaw publication of the United States' very first Statistical Atlas, based on data from the ninth Census.

Canada: the country that pees together stays together

EPCOR, the water utility company that runs the fountains up in Edmonton, Canada…

Challenge: make this graph easier to read

The Economist discusses the return of big government and includes this graph showing total government spending as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product. Is there a better way to represent the time series?

An Exploration of Biological Records

The Natural Science Museum of Barcelona has a growing database of 50,000 records…

Road to Recovery – Is the Recovery Act working?

The Obama administration just posted a graph showing monthly job loss from December…

Build Online Visualization for Free with Tableau Public

Tableau Software, popular for making data more accessible, mainly in the business sector,…

Obama’s Budget Proposal and Incorrect Forecasts

President Obama announced his 2011 budget proposal. How does it compare to last…

Build Statistical Graphics Online With ggplot2

Statisticians are generally behind the times when it comes to online applications. There…

How to Make an Interactive Area Graph with Flare

You’ve seen the NameExplorer from the Baby Name Wizard by Martin Wattenberg. It’s…

Stat Charts Get a New York Times Redesign

Statistical graphics are often… kind of bland. But that’s fine, because they’re usually…

The Cost of Getting Sick

GE and Ben Fry (now the director of SEED visualization), show the cost…

Buzzwords in Academic Papers (Comic)

This comic was really amusing, although it might be because I’m a big…

Unemployment Rate For People Like You – NYT Interactive

Shan Carter, Amanda Cox, and Kevin Quealy of The New York Times explore…