I’m starting to hear about Charles Minard‘s map of Napoleon’s march time and…
Nathan Yau
Is Napoleon’s March the Greatest Statistical Graphic Ever?
Browse Your del.icio.us Bookmarks as Thumbnails
I bookmark stuff with del.icio.us almost every day, and it’s become indispensable, because…
Radiohead Music Video by Capturing and Rendering 3D Data
Radiohead’s most recent music video, House of Cards, was made entirely without cameras.…
Mapping Economic Activity for the World
The G-Econ (Geographically-based Economic data) group has worked on making economic data publicly…
My Ugly Experience with the JetBlue Kiosk
As I write this, I’m waiting for my connecting flight… -
If You’re a Criminal on the Run, Don’t Use GPS
With all the new technologies we’ve come to rely on, it’s easy to…
Watching the Growth of Walmart Across America, Interactive Edition
The animated map starts slow with the first location in Arkansas in 1962 and then spreads like a wildfire. When did your nearest Walmart open?
Reflecting On the Data Viz VI Conference
A little over a week ago, I was in Bremen for the Data…
Map With All the Common APIs at Once – Mapstraction
For those who want more out of the commonly-used mapping APIs from Google,…
Playful Infographics Triumph Over Pure Analytics (Sometimes)
The New York Times shows how presidential candidates have spent more than $900…
The Girl Effect – Beautiful Use of Animated Typography
The Girl Effect – “the idea that adolescent girls are uniquely capable of…
Nathan’s Annual Hot Dog Eating Contest – Kobayashi vs Chestnut
It’s July 4th weekend which means lots of burgers and hot dogs across…
Personal Data Visualization, More Details [PROJECT]
Earlier this month, I announced FlowingData’s summer project for personal data visualization. It’s…
Infographics Movie: Cost of the War In Iraq
In the time that it takes you to watch this movie, the US…
Hacking the Coffee Maker – Caffeine Viewer
The colmeia group recently installed their Caffeine Viewer project where they hacked their…
FlowingData Cited in Forbes Magazine?
Whaaa? Cool beans.…
Statistical Graphics Conference – Jet Lag Wins. I Lose.
As you might have noticed, I haven’t been live blogging the Data Viz…
What Would You Like to See More of On FlowingData? [POLL]
With it being FlowingData’s birthday, it seems like a good time to get…
Happy One-Year Birthday, FlowingData!
It’s been one year since my rambling post on creating effective visualization. It…
Live Blogging Statistical Graphics From Germany This Week
For the next few days, I’m in Bremen, Germany for a conference on…