Run for your lives. The red concentric circles on the green squiggly are…
Nathan Yau
Series of concentric circles emanating from glowing red dot
Animated GIFs in R →
Random walk on pi →
By Francisco Javier Aragón Artacho, “This is a walk made out of the…
The myth of the missing Data Scientist →
An argument against the buzz around the dire need for data scientists; some stuff to disagree with but some good points
Without Human Insight →
Big data is just a bunch of numbers; computers will do the brute force labor, but you still have to use your brain.
Why infographics rule →
This is how marketers see visualization and information graphics. Glorified spam, kind of.
Five years of traffic fatalities
I made a graphic a while back that showed traffic fatalities over a…
Women as academic authors over the years →
The Chronicle of Higher Education has a look at the percentage of academic…
D3 map projections →
A collection by Jason Davies of the map projections possible with D3
Time of travel in the 1800s
From the 1932 Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States, these…
Wood charts reveal layers of underwater world →
Below the Boat produces beautiful laser-cut wood maps:
Starting with a bathymetric chart… -
R and Data Mining: Examples and Case Studies →
Download the book as a PDF with R code supplement
Eyeo Festival 2013 →
Tickets don’t go on sale until February, but the first half of the speaker list was revealed. Looks great.
Wine industry network in the US
A group of researchers at Michigan State University, led by Phil Howard, explored…
Map of every person counted in 2010 US Census
In the 2010 United States Census, 308,745,538 were counted, and Brandon Martin-Anderson from…
NYT year in graphics →
Highlights from the world’s best graphics department in journalism
Map: Laconic history of the world
Cartographer Martin Elmer made a truncated history map of the world:
This map… -
Donorschoose hires data scientist →
Using powers for good to improve education
NFL video screens compared
On news of the Houston Texans getting ready to build the largest video…
Evolution of Batman logo, 1940-2012
Available in print. See also: a video version. Still no confirmation for whether…