Nate Cohn for the Upshot provides a statistics lesson in the context of…
Nathan Yau
Statistics lesson on polling
Income Increased
But not every group’s median income increased by the same amount.
Decision-making with big numbers we can’t really see
In a 2005 paper “If I look at the mass I will never…
Computed screen time for men and women
In a collaborative effort, the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media computed…
Diversity percentages for US schools
Based on 2014 estimates from the U.S. Department of Education, the Chronicle of…
Mississippi drainage
Horace Mitchell for NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio mapped the massive drainage basin that…
Explore the stars with this interactive Star Mapper
Jan Willem Tulp, in collaboration with the European Space Agency, produced the ESA…
Shorten the Visualization Path Back to Reality
Visualization is complex, but if I were to break it down simply, I’d…
Police surveillance in a digital world
Glenn Smith and Andrew Knapp for the Post and Courier investigate the current…
Oceans absorbing heat
It keeps getting hotter on this planet, and the oceans are absorbing most…
xkcd: Earth temperature timeline
In classic xkcd-fashion, Randall Munroe timelines the Earth’s temperature, dating back to 20,000…
Innovation by Design Awards
Co.Design picked the winners for their annual Innovation by Design Awards. My series…
Watch bacteria evolve resistance to antibiotic
Scientists at Harvard University setup the MEGA-plate, essentially a giant petri dish, with…
Swing states are a relatively new thing
Here’s a fun one from the Guardian. They go over the change in…
Election DataBot provides a feed of the interesting data stories
There is a ton of election-related data pushed out every day, so much…
Serena Williams, greatest of all time
Serena Williams, who plays tonight in the U.S. Open semifinal, might be the…
Members Only
How to Make Beeswarm Plots in R to Show Distributions
Try the more element-based approach instead of your traditional histogram or boxplot.
Comma Chameleon, a stripped-down CSV editor
CSV files are great, but every now and then you have to edit…
Radio station frequencies, by genre
In most areas in the United States, lower FM frequencies are reserved for…
More global warming, more flooding
Water levels are rising, and naturally, the coasts are feeling it. Jonathan Corum…