Florida has seen a lot of hurricanes come and go. Lazaro Gamio for…
Nathan Yau
Century of Florida hurricanes
Doctors’ political leanings
Based on data from researchers at Yale, the Upshot charts party registration by…
Learning R Versus d3.js for Visualization
For those who work with R and d3.js, the differences between the two…
Hurricane Matthew en route
Stay safe, Florida.…
An analysis of The Simpsons
The Simpsons is in its 27th season. That’s a lot of d’ohs. Todd…
Classical music visualized
Artist Nicholas Rouguex visualized some musical scores in his project Off the Staff.…
Map shows two-party presidential shifts since 1920
In an update to his two-party map, political scientist David Sparks shows the…
Finding the biggest busts and steals from NBA drafts past
Picking basketball players for a professional team is no easy task. College and…
Trending #TrumpWon didn’t start in Russia
After the first presidential debate, #TrumpWon was a trending topic on Twitter, which…
Breaking the algorithmic black box
The general public kind of knows about data privacy issues. But not really.…
Traffic fatalities data for 2015 released
Each year, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration releases data for traffic accidents…
Rise in income for the poor and middle class
We know that income increased by a lot in 2015, but for who?…
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How to Visualize Proportions in R
There are many ways to show parts of a whole. Here are quick one-liners for the more common ones.
Shifting Clinton and Trump support for different demographic groups
Using data from their Washington Post-ABC News polling, the Washington Post compares shifting…
Food pictures taken with thermal camera
Thermal cameras, which use infrared to detect heat, provide images of temperature. Firefighters…
Mapping the Spread of Obesity
A look at the rise for each state over three decades, for men and women.
Showing missing data in line charts
Missing data is everywhere. Or, I guess technically it’s nowhere. You know what…
Skittle disconnect
This is what happens when there is a disconnect between data and what…
Make your own tiled cartograms
A challenge of using geographic maps to show data is that larger regions…
Finding the wet princes of Bel Air
In case you didn’t know, there’s a drought here in California so there…