For ProPublica, Ellis Simani and Ken Schwencke compiled an interactive database that you…
Nathan Yau
Nationwide database of credibly accused Catholic clergy
Dataset for rejected license plate applications
Noah Veltman just posted a dataset of 23,463 personalized license plate applications that…
Questionable science diagrams
Sometimes illustrating scientific findings is a challenge. Sometimes the illustrations are published anyways,…
Google Dataset Search moves out of beta
Over a year ago, Google released Dataset Search in public beta. The goal…
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Making the Name Guesser (The Process #73)
Using one of my recent projects as an example, I describe my non-elegant process of making a quick chart.
Geography of FM radio
So get this. There are these things called radio stations that broadcast music…
To get your personal data, provide more personal data
File another one under the sounds-good-on-paper-but-really-challenging-in-practice. Kashmir Hill, for The New York Times,…
How police use facial recogntion
For The New York Times, Jennifer Valentino-DeVries looked at the current state of…
Guessing Names Based on What They Start With
I’m terrible at names, but maybe data can help. Put in your sex, the decade when you were born, and start putting in your name. I’ll try to guess before you’re done.
Make a streets map of anywhere in the world
Following up on his mini-app to draw ridgeline maps for elevation, Andrei Kashcha…
Cow representation in the Senate
For the Absurd America section of The Washington Post, Sergio Peçanha asks the…
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Misleading Map, or Misinterpreted? (The Process #72)
A 3-D rendered map of Australia depicting a month of bushfires grew popular last week. Some thought it misleading. Others thought it was okay. It’s probably somewhere in the middle of that.
Quiz to see which Democratic candidate agrees with you most
The Washington Post asked Democratic candidates a series of policy questions. To see…
UK government org charts
When I think government structure, I tend to think in general overviews where…
Best Directors Who Were Not White Men
From 1928, the year of the first Academy Awards, to 2019, there have been 455 nominations for Best Director. Of those, 18 of them went to non-white men.
Man takes picture of himself every day for 20 years
[arve url=”″ loop=”no” muted=”no” /]
In 2007, Noah Kalina posted a time-lapse video… -
Schedule change with a baby
It’s difficult to emphasize how much life changes when a child comes into…
Can’t find Iran on a map
Based on a Morning Consult/Politico survey, most people don’t know where Iran is:…
Scale of Australia bushfires shown with unit charts
Outside of Australia, it can be a challenge to get a grasp of…
Members Only
Just Enough Chart (The Process #71)
For those new to visualization, learning all of the methods, implementations, tools, and guidelines can seem like a daunting task. Not to mention everything that happens before the actual visualizing, such as analysis, data formatting, and context-making. You don’t have to learn it all at once.