2020 Progress Bars

I thought March was only 31 days, but the system seems stuck. Did anyone try turning it off and on again.

A riff on Manoj Dayaram’s Calendar 2020, loosely based on NYT Covid-19 counts.

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How Much Minimum Wage Changed in Each State

Minimum wage has increased over the years, but by how much depends on where you live.

Data, R, and a 3-D Printer

We almost always look at data through a screen. It’s quick and good for exploration. So is there value in making data physical? I played around with a 3-D printer to find out.

The Changing American Diet

See what we ate on an average day, for the past several decades.

Finding the New Age, for Your Age

You’ve probably heard the lines about how “40 is the new 30” or “30 is the new 20.” What is this based on? I tried to solve the problem using life expectancy data. Your age is the new age.