With the art installation tele-present wind, David Bowen displays data collected by NASA’s Perseverance rover mission.
See wind data on Mars through tele-present wind
Wind flow patterns over Los Angeles
Based on data from NOAA, the New York Times shows the direction and…
Hot winds fueling the fires
The Washington Post illustrates how air flows from the Great Basin, over the…
Mapping hurricane winds with avocado of uncertainty
Stamen, whose design breakdowns I always appreciate, discusses why they took a different…
Wind flows displayed with spinning paddles
Joanie Lemercier used a grid of spinning paddles that turn with the wind.…
Wind map to show change in vote shares and participation
The Washington Post goes with a wind metaphor to show the change in…
Airport runway orientation reveals wind patterns
Airport runways orient certain directions that correlate with wind direction in the area.…
Time-lapse of all the wind in 2018
Using the same National Weather Service data that powers his live-ish wind map…
World Cup play activity visualized like wind maps
A fun experiment by Neil Charles that used the aesthetics of wind maps…
Wind prediction and potential power
As we use up current energy resources, it grows more important to look…
Misery index based on perceived temperature →
Late last year, Cameron Beccario made a wind map for earth, inspired by…
Earth wind map
Remember the wind map of the United States by Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda…
Physical installation shows actual wind patterns
Artist Charles Sowers specializes in public art works and display of physical phenomena.…
Live Wind Map Shows Flow Patterns
I get kind of giddy whenever I see a tweet from Martin Wattenberg…