For the Washington Post, N. Kirkpatrick and Szu Yu Chen describe the legality…
Washington Post
Legality of abortion pills in each state
How Americans vote in each state
Some states have almost completely moved to voting by mail or early voting,…
Presidential campaign target states, since 1952
We mostly hear about a handful of swing states these days, as presidential…
Restaurant preferences via campaign spending
For WP’s Department of Data, Kati Perry and Adrián Blanco examine campaign spending…
Preparing for a hurricane, a visual guide
For The Washington Post, N. Kirkpatrick, Aaron Steckelberg, and Leslie Shapiro provide a…
Jimmy Carter’s longevity compared to other U.S. presidents
Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States, turned 100 years old.…
Rainfall in the path of Hurricane Helene
Western North Carolina got the brunt of Hurricane Helene with two feet of…
Hurricane categories, visually explained
As Hurricane Helene approached Florida, it grew from a tropical storm to a…
Energy used to generate an email with AI
For The Washington Post, Pranshu Verma and Shelly Tan illustrate the scale of…
Grocery owner territories
Any day is a good day for a map of predominant commercial chains.…
Political leanings of first and last names
For The Washington Post, Andrew Van Dam and Lenny Bronner analyzed names and…
Making unrefined vs. refined avocado oil, illustrated
For The Washington Post, Anahad O’Connor and Aaron Steckelberg show the contrast between…
Superblocks, an urban planning compromise for cars and pedestrians
Living in city centers with little space to spend time outside and a…
Clean energy from fracking
We usually hear about fracking in a negative context, but for the Washington…
Where immigrants in the U.S. came from
A lot of immigration talk in the U.S. focuses on Mexico, but immigrants…
Accuracy of temperature forecasts where you live
You’ve probably noticed that the weather forecast can change a lot for predictions…
Age differences between world leaders and the populations they serve
The ages of American presidential candidates are old when compared to the ages…
Trendy baby name sounds
For WP’s Department of Data, Daniel Wolfe analyzed baby name data with Laura…
When feelings of nostalgia peak
YouGov surveyed 2,000 adults asking them when was the best and worst decades…
Change in housing prices where you live
I don’t know about you, but where I live, the housing prices keep…