Bloomberg put together a list of places to visit in 2025. Most of…
Where and when to travel
European night train map
The Night Train Map is for Europeans who want to travel at night:…
AI-based travel agent
In the latest of the genre I-followed-AI-advice-blindly-here-is-what-I-got, Ceylan Yeğinsu for the New York…
Local wanderlust
Alastair Humphreys, using a 20 by 20 kilometer map of where he lives,…
Find familiar places in new cities
If you’re traveling to a new city, it can be tricky to figure…
Mapping how far you can travel by train in five hours, from any European station
This European travel map by Benjamin Td shows how far you can travel…
Tracking airfare as a proxy for summer travel plans
Quoctrung Bui and Sarah Kliff for NYT’s The Upshot used difference charts to…
County stay-at-home orders and change in distance traveled
Based on cellphone data from Cuebiq, The New York Times looked at how…
Distorting geography to show train travels
Jan Willem Tulp visualized train travel times using distance and color as an…
The personal data you generate when you book a flight
Every time we book a flight, a Passenger Name Record is generated and…
Find the fastest flight between airports
Flight arrival and departure times are often thought of in terms of “on…
Transit times in NYC
As more New Yorkers move farther away from Manhattan, transit times grow in…
Time of travel in the 1800s
From the 1932 Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States, these…
Road trip planner with weather forecasts
Online maps have made it easy to find directions from point A to…
Find everywhere you can go in 15 minutes or less
A lot of the time when making plans to meet up with friends…
Mapping and documenting a year of travels
Cartographer Andy Woodruff documents all the places he goes, resulting in the pretty…