Statistical Visualization

Finding patterns, distributions, and anomalies.

Emptied reservoirs in California

Winter is over and it’s shorts weather these days in California. This is…

Wealth inequality explained in charts

Wealth inequality is a real thing that is complex and a result of…

Speedy crossword solvers

Oliver Roeder for FiveThirtyEight covered this year’s American Crossword Puzzle Tournament and the…

Married couple tax bonuses and penalties

Using calculations by Nick Kasprak from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities…

Color use in paintings, by year

Martin Bellander saw some projects that extracted color from movie posters and trailers,…

Gallons of water to produce foods

With all the talk recently about how much water it takes to grow…

Gender gaps around the world

Ri Liu provides an exploratory view of gender gaps around the world through…

3-D chart for economy’s future

People like to poke fun at 3-D charts, mostly because they don’t work…

Best time to visit DMV

I think there are people who still go to the Department of Motor…

Texas hold ’em win probabilities

Software engineer Chris Beaumont visualized the strength of opponent hands in Texas hold…

Gambler’s perspective on sports team win probabilities

Michael Beuoy’s win probability model plotted on FiveThirtyEight starts all NBA teams at…

Every NBA team’s chances of winning, by game minute

Michael Beuoy made a win probability model for NBA teams and games, based…

Identifying cheaters in test results, a simple method

Jonathan Dushoff had issues with students in his population biology class cheating on…

Top 1% earners versus bottom 90%

Quoctrung Bui for Planet Money plotted average income for the top one percent…

Not just one chart

There is no more reason to expect one graph to “tell all” than…

Human brain size compared to animals’

Mosaic provides a simple comparison of brain size in a handful of animals…

Professor ratings by gender and discipline

Based on about 14 million reviews on RateMyProfessor, this tool by Ben Schmidt…

Shrinking middle class

The Upshot has a detailed, chart-filled summary of the shrinking middle class, categorized…