Statistical Visualization

Finding patterns, distributions, and anomalies.

Where and why men outnumber women

There are an estimated 60 million more men than women on this planet,…

Feeling hot, hot, hot

When you look at overall global temperatures over time, you see a rising…

Japan fertility rate forecasts versus reality

It’s hard to predict the future, especially when humans are involved. Oftentimes, there…

Most decade-specific words in Billboard song titles

David Taylor looked for words in Billboard song titles that appeared during a…

Increasing rates of men who don’t work

Recent data from the Census Bureau suggests the rate of non-working men has…

Detailed visualization of NBA shot selection

Sports loves conditional distributions. What does Joe Billy Bob typically do against such…

Serial views

Like many, I’ve been listening to Serial every week, but I always just…

Pie chart pyramid

This pyramid pie chart just might take the pie chart humor crown from…

A scaled Periodic Table of Elements

Inspired by a diagram from 1976, the Big Picture group at Google Research…


This is what you get when you cross a histogram and piano keys…

Earth-orbiting satellites, all of them

David Yanofsky and Tim Fernholz for Quartz visualized the satellites orbiting Earth. There’s…

Touchdown passing record

Peyton Manning, quarterback for the Denver Broncos, passed up Brett Favre’s career record…

Decline of women in computer science

NPR spent some time on the subject of the decline of women in…

Chess piece survival rates

On Quora, someone asked, “What are the chances of survival of individual chess…

Affordable Care Act progress report

The New York Times takes a data-centric look at the progress of the…

Curse of dimensionality, interactive demo

Jeff Leek was trying to explain the curse of dimensionality and realized that…

Household incomes rise

Since the recession, it’s taken a while for household incomes to come back…

PhD gender gaps around the world

Periscopic, for Scientific American, visualized the number of PhDs awarded in various countries.…