Choosing a place to live is always full of trade-offs, but it’d be…
More than mean, median, and mode.
Calculating where you should live
Communicating effectiveness of boosters
Statisticians David Spiegelhalter and Anthony Masters for The Guardian on reframing risk estimates:…
Optimizing retail spaces
Patrick Sisson for The New York Times reports on the growing popularity of…
Tracking the Lenna image
If you’ve taken classes that cover image processing, you’ve likely come across the…
Are you statistically normal?
Mona Chalabi has a new podcast Am I Normal? and it’s very good:…
Scientists with bad data
Tim Harford warns against bad data in science:
Some frauds seem comical. In… -
Your location for sale
Companies collect and aggregate location data from millions of people’s phones. Then that…
Americans are dying too much
Derek Thompson for The Atlantic highlights recent research comparing mortality in America against…
How Humans Judge Machines
How Humans Judge Machines is an academic publication covering the results of experiments…
Machine learning explained at five difficulty levels
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For their 5 Levels series, Wired brought in… -
More detailed data release from Census 2020
After a lot of angst over the past few years around undercount, representation,…
Testing the TikTok algorithm
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The Wall Street Journal tested out the TikTok… -
An AI chatbot to talk to the dead
Joshua Barbeau fed an AI chatbot with old texts from his fiancee who…
Introduction to Deep Learning
Sebastian Raschka made 170 videos on deep learning, and you can watch all…
Introduction to Modern Statistics
Introduction to Modern Statistics by Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel and Johanna Hardin is a free-to-download…
Billionaire tax rates
ProPublica anonymously obtained billionaires’ tax returns. Combining the data with Forbes’ billionaire wealth…
Money-in-politics nonprofits merge their datasets
Center for Responsive Politics and National Institute on Money in Politics are merging…
A short film on giving up privacy, for better or worse
We know what you did during lockdown is a short fiction film by…
‘Less than 10 percent’ outdoors
The CDC said that “less than 10 percent” of coronavirus cases were from…
Converting Minecraft worlds to photorealistic ones using neural networks
Researchers from NVIDIA and Cornell University made GANcraft:
GANcraft aims at solving the…