I don’t know about you, but I tend to associate Congress with an…
Statistical Visualization
Finding patterns, distributions, and anomalies.
Average age of Congress over time
Challenge: Advertised vs. actual waistline
Ever notice how pants seem to fit differently from store-to-store even though they’re…
Exploratory tool for school admissions
With thousands of applications, it can be tough deciding who to admit in…
Music listening preferences by gender
Last.fm intern Joachim Van Herwegen has a quick look at listening habits by…
Expense visualizer
In an effort to make Canadian government expense data more accessible, FFunction designed…
Faith and poverty in the world
Using data from a recent Gallup report showing a correlation between wealth and…
Countries of the world ranked by stuff
What country has the best education? Health? Quality of life? Thomas Klepl and…
Stacked area shows the Web is dead?
Wired has declared that the Web is dead in their September cover story,…
Alex Rodriguez joins the 600 club
Alex Rodriguez became only the seventh player in MLB history to hit 600…
$8.7b Iraq development funds unaccounted for
A simple question from GOOD magazine: where did the money to rebuild Iraq…
Exploring the Reach of Firefox
Once every blue moon I like to freelance as a short break from…
Redesign of the Federal IT Dashboard
About a year after the launch of the Federal IT Dashboard, business intelligence…
Exploration of our aging world
From Ben Fry’s newly established Fathom Information Design, is a visualization for GE…
Gapminder makes its way to the desktop
You’ve seen the presentation. You’ve seen the motion graph tool. But up until…
How Britain has changed since 1997
Prospect Magazine takes a look at how Britain has changed by the numbers…
JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit 2.0 released
Visualization in JavaScript is all the rage these days. Just a couple of…
Strata of common and not so common colors
In another look at the data from xkcd’s color experiment, Stephen Von Worley…
Protovis 3.2 released – more examples and layouts
The most recent version of Protovis, the open-source visualization library that uses JavaScript…