Here’s a straightforward stacked area chart from the Economist that shows shifting market…
Statistical Visualization
Finding patterns, distributions, and anomalies.
Technology sector, share of market over time
Comparison of shifted public opinion
David Leonhardt and Alicia Parlapiano compared public opinion over time for various social…
Length of the average master’s thesis
A while back beckmw found the average length of a dissertation for various…
Compare your curve to reality for income versus college attendance
Those who grow up in poorer families are less likely to go to…
Estimated age based on your name
A while back, Nate Silver and Allison McCann for FiveThirtyEight estimated age based…
Rising beef prices and cattle theft
Eric Benson for FiveThirtyEight delves into cattle theft, which can cost an owner…
Black and White America compared as if they were countries
The Economist made a simple yet effective comparison of Black America and White…
Disaster risk indices estimate impact on people
An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 can affect countries differently, depending on…
Quick change of mind on social issues
As Supreme Court hearings for same-sex marriage start today, Alex Tribou and Keith…
Why exploring big data is hard
The talks from OpenVisConf 2015 went up, so I’m slowly making my way…
Emptied reservoirs in California
Winter is over and it’s shorts weather these days in California. This is…
Wealth inequality explained in charts
Wealth inequality is a real thing that is complex and a result of…
Speedy crossword solvers
Oliver Roeder for FiveThirtyEight covered this year’s American Crossword Puzzle Tournament and the…
Married couple tax bonuses and penalties
Using calculations by Nick Kasprak from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities…
Color use in paintings, by year
Martin Bellander saw some projects that extracted color from movie posters and trailers,…
Gallons of water to produce foods
With all the talk recently about how much water it takes to grow…
Gender gaps around the world
Ri Liu provides an exploratory view of gender gaps around the world through…
Making waffle charts in R →
An alternative to the pie chart to show proportions.