Bluesky firehose fun continues. Jared Short shows emoji usage as rain drops that…
Telling stories with data and graphics.
Emoji rain and Bluesky Matrix
Tunnel through the live Bluesky firehose
Bluesky has a relatively easy-to-use firehose that lets you dip into the stream…
Swooping vote margins
The New York Times used swooping arrows to show vote swings left and…
What might have sank the Bayesian superyacht
A $40 million superyacht called the Bayesian sank off the coast of Sicily,…
Restored rose and lily illustrations from the Pierre-Joseph Redouté collection
In the early 1800s, botanist and painter Pierre-Joseph Redouté painted hundreds of lily…
Winning the Electoral College, a mini-game
For The New York Times, Lily Boyce, Jon Huang, and Blacki Migliozzi made…
People moving towards political affiliation
For NYT Upshot, Ronda Kaysen and Ethan Singer compared current voter registration data…
Uniform flair on the rise in NBA basketball games
In NBA basketball, the home team used to almost always wear a white…
Abortion mazes to represent the complexity of abortion access
Speaking of grid maps and abortion access, Jan Diehm and Michelle Pera-McGhee, for…
Visual explainer for the thrilling game of Crokinole
From Russell Samora for The Pudding, “Crokinole is like a mashup of shuffleboard…
Scale of buildings destroyed in Gaza
Damage assessments from UNOSAT estimate that 66% of structures in Gaza are damaged…
Who gets shipped in fan fiction
The Pudding examines who gets shipped, which means a pairing of characters in…
Uber and Lyft use lockout loophole to avoid paying drivers
Based on rideshare data collected by Bloomberg, it appears that Uber and Lyft…
Preparing for a hurricane, a visual guide
For The Washington Post, N. Kirkpatrick, Aaron Steckelberg, and Leslie Shapiro provide a…
Smuggling fentanyl precursors, illustrated
In their ongoing series on fentanyl in the United States, Reuters illustrates the…
Reordered baseball lineup over decades
Baseball’s batting lineup has changed from what seemed to make sense to what…
Counting mullets in the AFL
The mullet has grown popular in the Australian Football League. ABC News counted…
Trash balloons released by North Korea landing in South Korea
North Korea has been releasing thousands of trash bags into the air with…